I knew this was gonna be the first response, but I was genuinely interested if people actually buy tickets for a person playing his hiphop playlist. Seems like there is very little skill involved compared to being a house DJ or something
Don’t underestimate what goes into DJ’ing in any genre
Okay I've cracked the code it was in our face the entire time.
It's 3 AM. The entire OVO crew is coming back drunk.
On the way back into the lobby the guy in the wheel chair device runs over the Ridders foot.
The Riddler shouts out, "Owwww watch where you are going nigga!"
The man in the wheel chair starts to apologize!
The Riddler shouts back, "Fuck your apology nigga what the f*** are you doing drinking and wheeling?"
Drakes crew isn't happy about this.
Drake, almost at the elevator, has heard the commotion and has turned around.
He walks straight up to the Riddler and asked if he has a problem.
Possibly having a couple of fractured toes the Riddler responds, "you damn right nigga!"
Drake at this point is starting to get angry with the disrespect this simple commoner is showing him.
He looks right at the Riddler and says, "Stick out your other foot!"
The Riddler refused and the pain and swelling is starting to set in on his other foot.
Drake looked over at Chubs and said you already know what time it is.
Without hesitation Chubbs reached into one of the duffle bags and pulled out Drakes dog mask.
Drake with his back turned to the Riddler said "You made me do this nigga it didn't have to be this way"
Drake turned around and started to growl and bark at the Riddler.
Everyone in the scene couldn't believe what they were seeing and everyone was clearly uncomfortable.
Drake, in between the barking and growling, told the Riddler once again to stick out his other foot.
Refusing, everyone in the OVO camp surrounded him and forced him in a position with his other foot out.
Drake turned to the guy in the wheel chair, who is clearly upset, and says, "OVO Wheels, get his other foot!"
The entire situation, the dog mask, the barking, OVO Wheels had begun to tear up.
He looked over at the Riddler and began slowly rolling his way.
It wasn't fast enough for Drake so he grabbed the back of the device and forcefully ran over the Riddlers one good foot.
Drake took the mask off and said, "look what you made me do"
Long story short the Riddler got fired and had a lot of hospital bills for his fractured toes. Now is he out for revenge and needs money for his medical bills.
Also hilarious that this guy based his whole show around this moment
He sat backstage and told his team about how he’s gonna do this
Practiced his dances during the song in the mirror
Oh f*** me I just made the whole connection.. Not Like Us is about Drake
oh s***
it’s all starting to make sense
Okay I've cracked the code it was in our face the entire time.
It's 3 AM. The entire OVO crew is coming back drunk.
On the way back into the lobby the guy in the wheel chair device runs over the Ridders foot.
The Riddler shouts out, "Owwww watch where you are going nigga!"
The man in the wheel chair starts to apologize!
The Riddler shouts back, "Fuck your apology nigga what the f*** are you doing drinking and wheeling?"
Drakes crew isn't happy about this.
Drake, almost at the elevator, has heard the commotion and has turned around.
He walks straight up to the Riddler and asked if he has a problem.
Possibly having a couple of fractured toes the Riddler responds, "you damn right nigga!"
Drake at this point is starting to get angry with the disrespect this simple commoner is showing him.
He looks right at the Riddler and says, "Stick out your other foot!"
The Riddler refused and the pain and swelling is starting to set in on his other foot.
Drake looked over at Chubs and said you already know what time it is.
Without hesitation Chubbs reached into one of the duffle bags and pulled out Drakes dog mask.
Drake with his back turned to the Riddler said "You made me do this nigga it didn't have to be this way"
Drake turned around and started to growl and bark at the Riddler.
Everyone in the scene couldn't believe what they were seeing and everyone was clearly uncomfortable.
Drake, in between the barking and growling, told the Riddler once again to stick out his other foot.
Refusing, everyone in the OVO camp surrounded him and forced him in a position with his other foot out.
Drake turned to the guy in the wheel chair, who is clearly upset, and says, "OVO Wheels, get his other foot!"
The entire situation, the dog mask, the barking, OVO Wheels had begun to tear up.
He looked over at the Riddler and began slowly rolling his way.
It wasn't fast enough for Drake so he grabbed the back of the device and forcefully ran over the Riddlers one good foot.
Drake took the mask off and said, "look what you made me do"
Long story short the Riddler got fired and had a lot of hospital bills for his fractured toes. Now is he out for revenge and needs money for his medical bills.
The fact that you sat down and wrote this is very sad
The fact that you sat down and wrote this is very sad
the fact you think i wrote that is hilarious
Also hilarious that this guy based his whole show around this moment
He sat backstage and told his team about how he’s gonna do this
Practiced his dances during the song in the mirror
Everyone in this beef came out looking bitter and jealous except the 2 main characters
Wait this guy is XXXTENTACION’s DJ? the jokes write themselves
TDE & pgLang love those woman beaters
Y’all be posting random niggas who play nlu in clubs
Kendrick enjoyers when xxxtentacion’s DJ plays the song that checks notes condemns woman abuse
6 or 7 am in the morning.. European user Rock Mudson made a thread about a DJ playing a song at a concert at 6/7 am in the morning.
I promise there is more to life than this OP. Praying for ya
Several things.
Why are people surprised when the hottest song of the year gets dropped at clubs/shows etc? Regardless of location?
Why are people surprised that people in said venues seem to be singing along and having a good time when the hottest song of the year comes on? Again, regardless of location?
Why wouldn't other artists/celebs etc be quoting the hottest song of the year? Correction, they have been since it dropped.
Not Like Us is the hottest song of the year. It's almost like this is hard to accept from all sides for some reason. Q being a dork lol act regular nigga you've had hits before.
6 or 7 am in the morning.. European user Rock Mudson made a thread about a DJ playing a song at a concert at 6/7 am in the morning.
I promise there is more to life than this OP. Praying for ya
Good morning Zack you watching the Olympics ?