If they found him pulseless, that’s a very bad sign. Depending on how long the brain went without oxygen, and it really only takes minutes sometimes, it’s likely that it’s irreversible. That’s so heartbreaking 😞 he was my fav rapper growing up, damn...
It's Dark was his first one but yes
For some reason on streaming it has them out of order i think that confuses people
This is awful and unfortunately something I always feared for X. It looked like he was finally clean in recent years but I guess looks are deceiving. Damn man.
He might be brain dead.
If they say he’s in a “vegetable state” can you even come back from that? I’m genuinely curious
Depends bro, the brain is mad complicated. I don't wanna blindly assume or speculate s***, but I'm guessing oxygen supply to his brain was cut off for too long following his heart attack which has caused the vegetative state. Praying for him man.
He might be brain dead.
This is what I’m thinking as well 😔 you don’t come back from a vegetative state the same as you were before
S***s sad, he’s one of the best when he’s not using, can’t say I didn’t see this coming, but was hoping I was wrong! Was actually anticipating an album from a clean DMX
Depends bro, the brain is mad complicated. I don't wanna blindly assume or speculate s***, but I'm guessing oxygen supply to his brain was cut off for too long following his heart attack which has caused the vegetative state. Praying for him man.
Damn that’s the same thing that happened to my grandma, I think it was because she got Pneumonia though
Prayers up for X. We really have to look out for our legends and just not with lip service. Someone close to him needs to reach out and get him help.
Not my f***ing GOAT man
Ruff Ryders anthem on full volume