X one of the few dudes that when you hear his voice you feel the passion. dude is real as f*** you know he aint fronting on his albums.
From All hip Hop https://allhiphop.com/news/breaking-news-dmx-in-icu-in-vegetative-state-fighting-for-his-life/
The same source said the 50-year-old rapper, born Earl Simmons, flat-lined, but thankfully doctors were able to bring him back to life.
The same source said the 50-year-old rapper, born Earl Simmons, flat-lined, but thankfully doctors were able to bring him back to life.
I thought he stopped the d****. He was looking really healthy and happy the last few months
Really hope he pulls through
Hopefully I'm wrong..... But if I was a betting man I'd say it's true
TMZ usually get these things spot on. And they seem to always get this news before anyone else
All hiphop said he flatlined but they brought him back to life
Don’t remember the last time listening to one of his songs, that being said hope he recovers and doesn’t die.
X is a top tier human to ever exist
Top tier human, top tier rapper and artists one of the greatest fr would love to see more people give him his flowers
Don’t remember the last time listening to one of his songs, that being said hope he recovers and doesn’t die.
Why did you think this was necessary to say
I was listening to Slippin just the other day
Thought of that song soon as I read this