You’ll never see anyone control a crowd like this again
I’ll be sure to lie next time and say i am a die hard fan the next time someone i generally don’t listen to is in critical condition.
Not saying you have to lie about being a huge fan, I barely listen to him too but I always find it kinda weird when ppl feel the need to mention they don't listen to someone like that or they 'only know 1 song' or some s*** like that. No hard feelings tho.
Don't do d**** man
Dmx unknowingly smoked a laced blunt as a young teenager (14 iirc)
You generally listening to him or not doesn't matter right now
holy s*** people are so incredibly sensitive.
you’re acting like i’m s***ting on him or something.
I’m not coming back to this thread.
Y’all could easily ignore posts like mine instead you felt the need to get mad for him.
It’s really f***ing weird
I’ll be sure to lie next time and say i am a die hard fan the next time someone i generally don’t listen to is in critical condition.
U didn’t have to join the thread tho
Don’t remember the last time listening to one of his songs, that being said hope he recovers and doesn’t die.
Who asked
Not saying you have to lie about being a huge fan, I barely listen to him too but I always find it kinda weird when ppl feel the need to mention they don't listen to someone like that or they 'only know 1 song' or some s*** like that. No hard feelings tho.
my bad dude, i just wrote out the first things on my mind and normally i read out other people saying that same thing but paying respects.
I would say this s*** about anyone i generally respect but don’t listen to.
I’ll be sure to lie next time and say i am a die hard fan the next time someone i generally don’t listen to is in critical condition.
that's not his point nobody asked u whether u listened to him or not
that's not his point nobody asked u whether u listened to him or not
I didn’t say anyone did
wow dude
Don’t remember the last time listening to one of his songs, that being said hope he recovers and doesn’t die.
weird post
my bad dude, i just wrote out the first things on my mind and normally i read out other people saying that same thing but paying respects.
I would say this s*** about anyone i generally respect but don’t listen to.
Yeah I know you didn't mean to come off in a condescending way, all good but just think about how you word things especially on the internet
If they say he’s in a “vegetable state” can you even come back from that? I’m genuinely curious
that's not his point nobody asked u whether u listened to him or not
Internet be giving niggas sociopathic tendencies like X is in critical condition and bruh first thought was let me say I don’t listen to him right quick
Felt good seeing him in such high spirits during the Snoop VERZUZ, praying he pulls through