  • or believe them? if so comment below

  • May 24
    2 replies

    Respectfully I’m not watching or believing anything this video says, just based off thumbnail alone

  • May 24
    hot pancakes

    Respectfully I’m not watching or believing anything this video says, just based off thumbnail alone

  • May 24
    5 replies

    Water is gay now?

  • Saturday

    Water is gay now?


  • Saturday

    Water is gay now?

    Have you not heard about the frogs?

  • Saturday

    Water is gay now?

    the most

  • too much one one thing isnt good, too much estrogen is the reason for a lot of breakouts with pimples

  • Terrible video

  • didn’t watch but probably avoid most things. f*** microplastics, f*** polyester clothing, f*** nonstick pans. we sunning our balls out here

  • Saturday

    Water is gay now?

    Always has been

  • lil ufo 🛸
    May 24

    you're telling me a random youtuber cares about my testosterone levels?

  • May 24

    Water is gay now?

    Real men piss neon yellow or rust brown only, you should know this.

  • hot pancakes

    Respectfully I’m not watching or believing anything this video says, just based off thumbnail alone

    didn’t even need to preface this statement w ‘respectfully’