Whether it's a full blown web app or a personal blog, do any of you maintain/operate/author your own website?
I've got a few but won't share unless someone asks since I'm not really tryna spam my s*** or even get traffic
What's your site's stack look like?
I'm looking to start a blog soon, I'm a journalism student so i think it would be a cool thing to do during the summer break
I have a personal blog for writing about research / cool stuff I see in class or coding, but haven't written a post in years lol. I want to try and maintain it through my PhD tho
I have a personal blog for writing about research / cool stuff I see in class or coding, but haven't written a post in years lol. I want to try and maintain it through my PhD tho
I feel that, I hardly write for my own but it's nice having the option to when the feeling arrises
I'm looking to start a blog soon, I'm a journalism student so i think it would be a cool thing to do during the summer break
Go for it! I'd recommend trying out Jekyll + Netlify which can be done for free, you just upload what you write (in markdown) to a private Github repo and it automatically publishes it to your blog/site, after you set it all up of course
Go for it! I'd recommend trying out Jekyll + Netlify which can be done for free, you just upload what you write (in markdown) to a private Github repo and it automatically publishes it to your blog/site, after you set it all up of course
Interesting, does this support image hosting through the repo too?
Go for it! I'd recommend trying out Jekyll + Netlify which can be done for free, you just upload what you write (in markdown) to a private Github repo and it automatically publishes it to your blog/site, after you set it all up of course
Oh wow this sounds super awesome!!! I'll definitely look into it. Thanks so much bro
I have a personal blog for writing about research / cool stuff I see in class or coding, but haven't written a post in years lol. I want to try and maintain it through my PhD tho
Oh wow you studying for a PhD? Thats really awesome! What are you majoring in?
Oh wow you studying for a PhD? Thats really awesome! What are you majoring in?
I’m starting in fall, for CS 👍
I'm looking to start a blog soon, I'm a journalism student so i think it would be a cool thing to do during the summer break
What would you make it on/about?
Whether it's a full blown web app or a personal blog, do any of you maintain/operate/author your own website?
I've got a few but won't share unless someone asks since I'm not really tryna spam my s*** or even get traffic
What's your site's stack look like?
Please share!
Interesting, does this support image hosting through the repo too?
It does, I keep my image assets in a root folder called "images" and it works perfectly
What would you make it on/about?
I'd like to post about articles I write or movie a***yses. It's been something in my head for awhile
yes i do, feel free to visit and give me your thoughts
bumping this to also ask:
do any of y'all have blogs where you write about music and s***? I just started one the other day and wanna see what others' look like
bumping this to also ask:
do any of y'all have blogs where you write about music and s***? I just started one the other day and wanna see what others' look like
What platform are you on?
What platform are you on?
I'm using Ghost hosted on a DigitalOcean droplet for this one, really digging how it looks and operates rn
I want to. I know it's never going to happen but I'd love a revival of the Geocities type webpages and webrings
that reminds me…I need to finish my personal blogging website. I’ve put procrastinating on it for ages. Thank you OP
I sorta do for a repair business I'm trying to start. I used WIX cuz it's easy n I got a Google domain name and the site is pretty much ready to show, but I haven't shared it anywhere yet. I'm also gonna make business cards.
It sux tho cuz it's like a local thing. I'm gonna try n figure out if I can get an online store going eventually or something...