Its not a real thing its all made up
Im an introverted extrovert. I love meeting new people and going out but it costs sooo much energy. At the end of it Im happy I did it. Ive got to know an insane amount of people by clubbing and going to bars in the last year. My social anxiety also got a lot better though its still a daily struggle
Introversion and extroversion are not real you don’t need to categorize yourself like that
They just trying to put labels on people s***s bs
extra- and introversion are faulty concepts that should not be applied to yourself or others in any way shape or form, even as a spectrum its a nothingburger that tells you nothing about any given person
The only thing that matters at the end of the day is that you were doing what brought you joy and made you comfortable at that point in time
When you look back on your introversion that should be the only question you ask yourself. Is that what I wanted to do? Is that what made you happy? If the answer is yes then your life was equally as good as any extrovert who says yes to those same questions.
Your life will be worse if you constantly force yourself to be outgoing and live an extroverted life if all you really wanna do is be a homebody and chill. It’s fine to step outside your comfort zone every now and then and challenge yourself but doing it because you’re worried extroverts are living better is wack. Grass ain’t always greener.
When you look back on your introversion that should be the only question you ask yourself. Is that what I wanted to do? Is that what made you happy?
dumbass logic
We really need to stop conflating social anxiety with being an introvert. Being an introvert doesn't mean you can't do the things that extroverts do. It just means that you don't mind some down time alone aka the s*** that extroverts might be uncomfortable or bored with sometimes.
Just because you're introverted doesn't mean you're socially anxious/anti-social
I'm introverted and I go out plenty. I just prefer chilling by myself or with a small group of close friends. Need to recharge if I'm going to a big event or talking to a bunch of strangers
Thank you, holy s***
my attitude/outlook change came from escaping an extremely close near death experience
but the cherry on top was the second stroke that got rid of my anxiety, quite literally felt like i’ve been living w superpowers comparatively since then
That's hard, like a switch you ain't even know existed gets turned on. Some dudes get like this after an intense session with a couple of mushrooms
coulda just asked "how do I deal with FOMO" since that's your real question basically lmao. But I think success just depends on multiple factors from hardwork, luck, timing, and being "out there" but it isn't the only way. plenty successful introverts. I'm a recluse 90% of the time, but when people see me they get happy and more people than I realize know me/like me. It's all perspective bro. my dad is an introvert yet I seen him succeed so much and still build life long connections and be a go-to mentor for a lot of people young and older
you won't have time to do everything, meet everyone, or be every person you imagine yourself to be so best to just be the best you that you can be today and realize that it's okay if being the best you means you are also alone a majority of the time
I think everyone will regret something because no one can experience everything life has to offer. I think if you're unhappy about not putting yourself out there and keeping to yourself you should make an effort to do so. There called social skills for a reason, because you develop them just like any other skill with practice. I'm sure it comes easier to some people but I'm sure the people that lack those skills also excel in other aspects of life. I also think everyone values things differently one person might value there friendships and fun, more than say creativity and stability. While another person will be the total opposite and I don't think neither is right or wrong, and they should both live there life in a way that allows them to prioritize the things that brings them most joy.
The black and whiteness off it is pretty dumb everyone’s a % of both. My fiancé swears i’m a super social butterfly but i’m like no you just don’t like people which is cool that doesn’t make me super extrovert. I think the more willing your are the easier public spaces are but you life overall isn’t better
The black and whiteness off it is pretty dumb everyone’s a % of both. My fiancé swears i’m a super social butterfly but i’m like no you just don’t like people which is cool that doesn’t make me super extrovert. I think the more willing your are the easier public spaces are but you life overall isn’t better
my coworkers never believe me when i tell them im usually quiet, like ofc im social at work it’s my job
I regret going out way more than I regret not going out