Also includes coincidences being the work of some higher level system thay we dont understand i.e. not random
Yes, funny it all started for me since a girl introduced me to "I, Origins".
The idea that luck is really god looking out for u, or like some guardian angel type s***
God works in mysterious ways
but the Demons work harder and more efficiently
God works in mysterious ways
but the Demons work harder and more efficiently
In the hierarchy of realms we probably closer to hell than heaven
of course
yeah but it’s unique for everyone
you supposed to create art to show others what you see
yeah but it’s unique for everyone
you supposed to create art to show others what you see
Big facts
nah, too many people go through horrible s***
U ever heard the concept of grace
Basically a spiritual currency
Yea it’s lindy af
I believe very much so
Cause it's like the more effort u put in, or the more u put urself in certain situations
The bigger ur "odds" of luck are
Luck is something u force
Nothing just happens because
It's like u attract what u reflect
Plus the last few yrs I've noticed;
Whenever I think of something or someone, that s*** literally always come to fruition awhile later
Like I'll be thinking about a person or so, then this mofo just pops up in front of me couple days later
I believe very much so
Cause it's like the more effort u put in, or the more u put urself in certain situations
The bigger ur "odds" of luck are
Luck is something u force
Nothing just happens because
It's like u attract what u reflect
Plus the last few yrs I've noticed;
Whenever I think of something or someone, that s*** literally always come to fruition awhile later
Like I'll be thinking about a person or so, then this mofo just pops up in front of me couple days later
Sometimes ill think of a person and like 30 seconds later they hit me up even if we aint talked in days
Sometimes ill think of a person and like 30 seconds later they hit me up even if we aint talked in days
Maaaaan that's frrrr and it's scary afff too
That's why I don't believe in coincidence fr
It's all like some energy/vibration
Don't animals "feel"/sense danger? They use energy to communicate or use it to "guide their intuition"?
Why not us humans?
I can tell ya, most of the "lucky* things that happened to me, were things that related to me, if that makes sense
Nobody ever coincidentally mistook me for a construction worker
But when I walked in a bar with my ex, they thought we was the main acts to perform that eve, just before we got in da dressing room someone "recognized " us
At times God is blessing me, and at other times I might just have gotten lucky by complete chance.
Maaaaan that's frrrr and it's scary afff too
That's why I don't believe in coincidence fr
It's all like some energy/vibration
Don't animals "feel"/sense danger? They use energy to communicate or use it to "guide their intuition"?
Why not us humans?
I can tell ya, most of the "lucky* things that happened to me, were things that related to me, if that makes sense
Nobody ever coincidentally mistook me for a construction worker
But when I walked in a bar with my ex, they thought we was the main acts to perform that eve, just before we got in da dressing room someone "recognized " us
yea i strongly believe in energy and intuition, like animals can sense storms coming too, subtle things like air pressure or distant sounds or mood, i think animals can probably see the energy and aura and color of someones soul better than most humans
i believe the evolutionary path of humans is to unlock animals supernatural instincts
Coincidences are the result of us not being able to see the game board we’re playing on in full, from a comprehensive perspective
Our every action, inaction, or reaction occurs within the context of everyone else’s actions, inactions, or reactions, to a degree of scale that we can’t fully consider. And all of those actions live within a world that is dictated by certain forces of nature, which influence our actions. In that way, there can’t be luck; otherwise your “luck” would require an invisible guiding hand to be effecting the decisions, actions, and circumstances of everyone else. Which would mean we really don’t have free will, if that were the case
i believe that blessings come from your conscious and discipline and not from the random moments the world puts across you. Those are simply opportunities to gain perspective and learn lessons.
Our every action, inaction, or reaction occurs within the context of everyone else’s actions, inactions, or reactions, to a degree of scale that we can’t fully consider. And all of those actions live within a world that is dictated by certain forces of nature, which influence our actions. In that way, there can’t be luck; otherwise your “luck” would require an invisible guiding hand to be effecting the decisions, actions, and circumstances of everyone else. Which would mean we really don’t have free will, if that were the case
i don’t believe we do on earth or in these biological bodies at least because ego, you can cleanse the ego (rewire) but not lose it
Our every action, inaction, or reaction occurs within the context of everyone else’s actions, inactions, or reactions, to a degree of scale that we can’t fully consider. And all of those actions live within a world that is dictated by certain forces of nature, which influence our actions. In that way, there can’t be luck; otherwise your “luck” would require an invisible guiding hand to be effecting the decisions, actions, and circumstances of everyone else. Which would mean we really don’t have free will, if that were the case
its only when one has truly discovered their optimal path
in complete alignment with their true will overcoming the ego defying all odds and circumstance
nothing else matters but your faith at that point
the inertia of the universe in perfect harmony of the cosmos nothing is ever by chance
Yeah for sure. I’ve been trying to trust my instinct/ gut more but I still fall to logic and I guess by extension ego a ton
Very hard to grow reliance on instinct especially with so many other people chiming in on some things
Our every action, inaction, or reaction occurs within the context of everyone else’s actions, inactions, or reactions, to a degree of scale that we can’t fully consider. And all of those actions live within a world that is dictated by certain forces of nature, which influence our actions. In that way, there can’t be luck; otherwise your “luck” would require an invisible guiding hand to be effecting the decisions, actions, and circumstances of everyone else. Which would mean we really don’t have free will, if that were the case
Given what u said u could hypothesize that there are forces beyond our understanding or perception that guide our actions, its not necessarily that we dont have free will but we are pursuaded by our thoughts and emotions to act in certain ways. And these forces could also control external events with any possible frequency
I think that on a universal scale we are probably a part of some sort of organism, we are like cells in a body except we have self awareness or ego which allows us to essentially either act as a blessing or a cancer to the organism
We are more accurately a part of a mind, which is the most essential element of our universe, a all encompassing consciousness whos traits are reflected in every aspect of this reality
Beyond this mind or universe are other universes and higher realms etc
These higher entities can interact thru energy and thoughts, and prehaps thru some invocation maybe matter too