I haven’t done s*** for my birthday aside from see my direct family that evening in years and it’s all I ask for
This year I went to a coffee shop got espresso and their sandwich of the day, spent the rest of the afternoon driving by the river and listening to music I like
All I want
Only if you give it to yourself
This year I booked a massage at a five star hotel Four Seasons in Boston
Then I got one of those ultra deluxe manicure from a bad Latina b**** I’m telling you she was sooooo thick at another five star hotel spa.
Then I hit a sauna / steam room at another five star hotel spa. Blew through my biweekly paycheck that week sure but damn it was worth it. By the way I Ubered everywhere.
Ate steak that night with the fam.
Yeah i enjoy spending time with my family friends is all i want. Plus maybe a couple new shirts and some shrooms or something.
Used to struggle with birthdays but now I enjoy them more
yeah most of the time
most of the time i just asked for a video game and an album tho lol, maybe a shirt once in awhile - and if it fell on a schoolday most of the time i was allowed to skip school
in my house it was always an unspoken thing that birthdays are like smaller gifts and christmas is the bigger gifts
birthdays are more about the event and going out
realest lyric ever 2 chainz better than kendrick 'she got a big booty so i call her big booty' is so profound it shall be played at the first dance of my wedding regardless of how big my wife booty is
No. I’ve been wishing for a big booty Latina everytime I’ve blown out my candles for years and it has yet to materialize
u like this when ublowing out candles with the fam 'yh this cool and all but where my big booty latina its the 5th year i been asking you guys are taking the piss now dont ask me what i want unless u willing to provide'
Only if you give it to yourself
This year I booked a massage at a five star hotel Four Seasons in Boston
Then I got one of those ultra deluxe manicure from a bad Latina b**** I’m telling you she was sooooo thick at another five star hotel spa.
Then I hit a sauna / steam room at another five star hotel spa. Blew through my biweekly paycheck that week sure but damn it was worth it. By the way I Ubered everywhere.
Ate steak that night with the fam.
i gotta do this 1 time sounds GOATed