"If you loan money to a friend, you will lose your friend as well as your money. Give them whatever you feel like giving. Then forget it. Ditto with relatives. If you diligently follow this one piece of advice, you wilt be saved a sackful of misery. Trust me. Broadcast your policy loudly. This will spare you from many embarrassing demands that will otherwise vex you."
Felix Dennis
me and my friends usually just help each other out when needed and don’t expect anything back
Are you guys generally tight with money in general?
I’ve been mad social and splurging recently. Happier more p**** but definitely consistently broke by the end of the month.
Feel like I need to re-evaluate, I’m not getting younger
Are you guys generally tight with money in general?
I’ve been mad social and splurging recently. Happier more p**** but definitely consistently broke by the end of the month.
Feel like I need to re-evaluate, I’m not getting younger
I could lose my job right now and float for 1 year before finding another one
No and they never asked
Dude’s mad materialistic as well, drives a Mercede AMG, 5 bedroom house type nigga to say let’s get a bottle in the club
Then pulls this s***. Such a manipulator wanna punch him square in the face
How much did you give him?
luckily no but for one of the first times money brought some tension to my friends when trying to navigate a summer rental house and money with that. was/is def annoying
back in college i paid my boy’s rent for a couple months bc he was down bad
i would do it for a select few people who i know are good for it
How much did you give him?
It’s not a lot but it’s the circumstances. I’ve recently moved out so I’ve got bills and s*** to pay now you know cost of living. And I ain’t rich.
It was for a night out, he had me pay the petrol, a bottle in the club which he insisted on, for another nigga to get home. A hotel so he could get some top (he’s got a baby mother)
And now he still hasn’t paid back
He’s like a brother but his characters f***in shady
back in college i paid my boy’s rent for a couple months bc he was down bad
i would do it for a select few people who i know are good for it
Hey its me your boy
My older brother taught me to only give money you don't expect back
the motto i live by
I’m a good dude but never again lol. Nigga’s is treacherous only in the gravest emergencies
you a dumb ass
I give every one a chance and if they f*** me over, then never again. my limit is $50 tho
I give every one a chance and if they f*** me over, then never again. my limit is $50 tho
Yeah never again.
Told me his business accounts locked cos of some tax fraud which he had 45 racks in