  • Dec 13, 2021
    1 reply

    nobody uses it and its a stupid white person thing made up not long ago

    Curious as to why you quoted me, lol. Are you confirming what I said? Because that's literally what your post states.

  • Some languages need to rethink their whole structure.

    Imagine assigning gender to everything in 2021

    Im looking at you french n spanish

  • Dec 13, 2021

    Curious as to why you quoted me, lol. Are you confirming what I said? Because that's literally what your post states.

    i thought you were saying its an academic word like its the correct educated way of saying latino lol my bad

  • Dec 14, 2021

    I get the intent 100%, but on execution it just feels stupid and disrespectful towards the Spanish language. if you actually speak the language you'd know there's lots of gender neutral words that use either of the masculine/feminine terms. Calling people Latinx is like if we started calling people personxs in Spanish. I don't get the media's fascination with this term, they listen to most outrages from other cultures but not hispanics/latinos apparently. You know how people nickname soft people "snowflakes"? In hispanic communities I see a lot of people call them Latinx instead, that's how much this movement is disliked amongst hispanics/latinos.

  • Dec 14, 2021
    Sir Swagalot

    when referring to the latin population, you say latinos. but as of late white people who are unaware of our culture think that the word "latino" is masculine and noninclusive so they think "latinx" is the right way of saying/spelling it. dumb white people trying to advocate for s*** that they're not even a part of

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Dec 14, 2021

    I’ve been so confused on this one honestly but glad thread cleared it up for me mostly

  • Dec 14, 2021

    I live in a majority Hispanic city full of Dominicans, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Peruvians, Colombians, etc.

    Never once heard that term in my life. And I never heard of any Hispanic getting upset over "Latino/a" ever.

    Not sure if it's a White thing as much as it's a SJW buzz word like "mansplaining"(another term I never heard anyone use in the public.)

    SJW's have good causes but they gotta understand that some of their s*** doesn't resonate with reality.

  • Jan 7, 2022
  • Jan 7, 2022
    1 reply

    They should stop using latino and latina as well

  • Jan 7, 2022

    Literally doesn’t matter let whoever say whatever they want

  • Jan 7, 2022
    1 reply
    paradise valley

    They should stop using latino and latina as well

    And use what

  • Jan 7, 2022
    Sir Swagalot

    when referring to the latin population, you say latinos. but as of late white people who are unaware of our culture think that the word "latino" is masculine and noninclusive so they think "latinx" is the right way of saying/spelling it. dumb white people trying to advocate for s*** that they're not even a part of

    Isn’t part of the complaint also that the male version of the word is used for inclusivity. It’s a dumb argument regardless

  • Jan 7, 2022
    2 replies

    posting this again because some of y’all need to read this instead of assuming/blaming white people for this s***

    What is the origin of the word Latinx?

    The term Latinx emerged from the Spanish-speaking queer community to challenge the gender binary, explain Aja and Scharrón-del Río. While the exact origin of the term is unclear, its use can be traced back to online queer community forums.

    I know there are white spanish speaking people, but lets be real here. y’all just looking to blame white people for anything now

  • Jan 7, 2022

    Nobody I know unironically says latinx

  • americana

    And use what

    The "brown people" who are referred as hispanic/latino in the US are mestizos. Mix of white and native.

  • Jan 8, 2022
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    posting this again because some of y’all need to read this instead of assuming/blaming white people for this s***

    What is the origin of the word Latinx?

    The term Latinx emerged from the Spanish-speaking queer community to challenge the gender binary, explain Aja and Scharrón-del Río. While the exact origin of the term is unclear, its use can be traced back to online queer community forums.

    I know there are white spanish speaking people, but lets be real here. y’all just looking to blame white people for anything now

    Yet all we see is white people using Latinx.

    We never agreed to being referred to as Latinx, so that term can f*** right off.

  • Jan 8, 2022

    Yet all we see is white people using Latinx.

    We never agreed to being referred to as Latinx, so that term can f*** right off.

    i never see anyone using that term anymore. matter fact when i did, i saw it on twitter and it wasn’t white people lol. i usually saw it from those fake woke non-white twitter people who made it seem like the used to term to be gender inclusive to be respective of non-binary (and i know spanish has gendered terms, i think the word is stupid as well)

  • Jan 8, 2022

    Remember this thread lol.. when life was better.. who bumped this

  • Jan 8, 2022
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    posting this again because some of y’all need to read this instead of assuming/blaming white people for this s***

    What is the origin of the word Latinx?

    The term Latinx emerged from the Spanish-speaking queer community to challenge the gender binary, explain Aja and Scharrón-del Río. While the exact origin of the term is unclear, its use can be traced back to online queer community forums.

    I know there are white spanish speaking people, but lets be real here. y’all just looking to blame white people for anything now

    who invented forums?

    white people

  • Jan 8, 2022
    math fifty

    who invented forums?

    white people

    thats a slippery slope my man imagine white people start using that and start saying others are guests when they use forums

  • Jan 8, 2022

    latinx isnt really used outside of "woke" discourse

    it originated from the latin american queer community, but caught on in USA-based academic circles in terms of current-day popularity

    i don't get the debate over it, i don't really care for it

    "latine" is a better word for this purpose IMO, because it is grammatically correct

  • Jan 8, 2022

    Idk what y’all on itt, but the term was started by white washed Latinos

    Maybe white folk ran wit it but they ain’t start it

    With that said it’s whatever, they ain’t hurting no one they doing they thing