  • Almost everyone i know had to go back to the office after covid even jobs that promised to be WFH temporarily threatened mfers to come back in.

  • Jun 30

    so you went rom remote to hybrid or started out hybrid?

  • Been remote since COVID started. Tbh I'd probably prefer hybrid if I had the option, WFH 100% gets boring quick....

  • Full time wfh but one of the few employees left doing it. Had to get approval from a VP because of my distance from the office and I’ve done a lot for my company that has me in good favor with higher ups

  • Jun 30
    2 replies

    WFH forever

  • Kinda do want to do hybrid next tho

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jun 30

    100% remote

  • Back in the office 2 days a week, but boss is chill so if I don't have meetings after lunch I go home and work.

  • Jun 30

    Started a job where I'm pretty much always in the office but can take remote days whenever.

    Ngl being fully remote drove me insane

  • Hybrid.

    On and off weeks of in office. On weeks are just three days in office

  • Jun 30
    1 reply

    My nigga we NOJOB

  • Jun 30

    Remote. "Supposed" to go in monthly/biweekly, but I moved even further away from the office so I'm just not going in and no one has said a word lol. Could not pay me enough to be hybrid or go into the office full time.

  • gangy 🟢
    Jun 30

    3 days remote 2 days in

  • Jun 30
    1 reply


  • Jun 30

    Wfh 100% of the time

  • Jun 30
    1 reply
    www quakerboy us



  • WFH is a blessing

  • I’ll forever work from home



    couldn’t be me

  • Jun 30
    1 reply

    WFH is some reddit s***

  • My job is entirely remote but I chose to work in the office.

  • Jun 30

    WFH is some reddit s***

    What do you mean

  • in office but it’s biking distance

  • fully remote

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Jun 30

    contract changed to remote when covid
    never going back