Who the hell cares
If he gets big and clips come out of him saying nigga (cause you know its gon happen), ktt gonna self destruct
He says kids in place of nigga
Next time you hear a yeat song and he said kids replace it w nigga and you’ll see that’s his substitute for it
Yeah any time a white person uses a word that a black person could reasonably replace with the n word instead, it means that white person is literally racist concealing their power level
all white vocabulary is racist
Does Young Thug use slime to replace the n word lol
Little known fact, Thug actually uses The word Jeffery to replace the n word with the hard r
He says kids in place of nigga
Next time you hear a yeat song and he said kids replace it w nigga and you’ll see that’s his substitute for it
I noticed this on sorry bout that
Enjoy your ban