That's all you have to say? here i thought you were looking to have a discussion.
A discussion? NO man. I ain't having a discussion with someone with 7th century donkey brain
Women are just as capable as men at providing for themselves and their family.
Stop trying to use the macho man knight in shining armor argument in 2021. That ship has sailed.
Here, go read some hadiths and feel empowered. I bet you get a kick out of what Fatemeh (AS) hubby got to say
Mola Ali(as) gave this sermon after war of camel(jamal) in denunciation of women: "O people, indeed the women are deficient in faith, deficient in fortunes and deficient in intellect. So as for their deficiency in faith, so the prayer and fastings are abandoned from them in their days of haydh, and as for their deficiency in fortunes so they inherit the half from inheritance of the man, and as for their deficiency in intellect so testimony of two women is equal to the testimony of one man. So beware of the evil women and be wary of their good ones as well. And do not obey them in the good hence that they not wish to command the bad things."
Nahjul balagha (hadith no. 4622, 4623, 4624)
I love this pic lol. But who automated the flesh using neurotransmitters though?
Also a lot of people are forgetting that the a lot of Christianity stems from the fact that you have to acknowledge that you and everyone on this Earth is sinners. No one is inherently a “good” person in the eyes of the Lord, we’re all sinners.
That’s why Jesus had to die on the cross to repent for our sins
So a good person by worldly standards doesn’t translate to what God may see.
There's one thing i don't get and that's because I haven't read the Bible or anything but if Jesus died for the sins of humanity why are people still sinners? Does that mean he died for nothing? Did he just die for those before him? Or am I totally misinterpreting it and the forgiveness will come after our lives come to an end?
There's one thing i don't get and that's because I haven't read the Bible or anything but if Jesus died for the sins of humanity why are people still sinners? Does that mean he died for nothing? Did he just die for those before him? Or am I totally misinterpreting it and the forgiveness will come after our lives come to an end?
Jesus died for sinners. Everyone is born into sin due to Adam in the garden. If you acknowledge Jesus as your Lord & Savior and believe in the Resurrection then you're free from your sins. Essentially born again with a clean slate with the perk of living life eternal.
Jesus died for sinners. Everyone is born into sin due to Adam in the garden. If you acknowledge Jesus as your Lord & Savior and believe in the Resurrection then you're free from your sins. Essentially born again with a clean slate with the perk of living life eternal.
Alright that kinda clears it up
learning in my older age that a relationship with God & organized religion are two different things really made me look at it all different
way I see it, as long ad you keep pursuing that relationship with God then it really doesn't matter learning from other religions
Most peoples interpretation of Christ's words aren't even their own. You've been told what he meant by people that either didn't understand or are trying to hide the true meaning of his words.
I implore everyone to study buddhas teachings then go back and study the words of Christ. Study it with true curiosity for the truth.
There's one thing i don't get and that's because I haven't read the Bible or anything but if Jesus died for the sins of humanity why are people still sinners? Does that mean he died for nothing? Did he just die for those before him? Or am I totally misinterpreting it and the forgiveness will come after our lives come to an end?
Forgiveness for everyone. Unless you’re Jesus who was built in the image of God, you will be a sinner. You have sinned. Whether it be today, yesterday or tomorrow. So he died for everyone in the past, here, and future for all their sins, His death was the ultimate sacrifice for humanity who had up until that point been drifting away from God’s word.
Yes. From a Christian standpoint anyone telling you otherwise is lying to themselves.
But you believe in what you believe in, just make sure you get your spirit right.
Exactly. The Bible literally tells us we're EITHER on Jesus' side OR with the world. There is no compromise. You're all in or not in.
And I agree with this. I'm a every black or white person. If you believe something, believe it wholeheartedly. If you don't believe it all the way, then you don't believe it at all. It's a very simple concept whether you believe it's right or wrong.
If you actively reject God while having the opportunity to learn about him then you are going to Hell. Even if you’re a good person.
I’m not trying to debate anyone today but yes that’s a big part of Christianity
Forgiveness for everyone. Unless you’re Jesus who was built in the image of God, you will be a sinner. You have sinned. Whether it be today, yesterday or tomorrow. So he died for everyone in the past, here, and future for all their sins, His death was the ultimate sacrifice for humanity who had up until that point been drifting away from God’s word.
Feels like a very painful way of seeing things but I get it
Feels like a very painful way of seeing things but I get it
It's not as bad as it seems. Once you really have a personal relationship with Christ yourself, you become more like Him. So you start to see things from His point of view. Sometimes it does it get sad, really sad. Who wouldn't get sad every so often knowing most people will be tormented forever for rejecting Christ?
But you also have to think of it from this perspective: God is everything good. He is joy, peace, love, happiness, comfort... so when you reject God/Christ, you reject everything that is good and are left with everything that is bad.
Feels like a very painful way of seeing things but I get it
It’s not really for Christians because only Jesus loved us enough to sacrifice himself for each and every one of us. That’s the absolute Basics though, there’s slot of things that changed between the Old and New Testament that changes how we interact with Christ.
I love this pic lol. But who automated the flesh using neurotransmitters though?
same, its from a video game called cruelty squad never played it tho
but yeah exactly, how does consciousness arise from unconscious matter
he doesnt know what he's talking bout
all human arts and philosophies came from the study off multiple bloodlines throughout the centuries
it's like asking a tree ''why do you bloom?''
Huh? I'm saying why waste your time on earth debating the ideas for the origin of life made up by people far before you? I can write something now, and I'm about as qualified as anyone that would've written it then. But because it came from ancient times that work will hold more credence than mine.
there is no correct religion
its all opinions
Them miracle stories were made up to get people to buy their s*** and follow their orders. Moses split the sea? Mary was a virgin? Muhammad flew to space on a flying donkey? 🤣
They make up stories even in 21st century. Them Taliban fellas got miracles coming out their ass. Back in 1980 the mullahs used to tell iranians that if they squint hard enough they can see Khomeini's face in the moon.
I’m not religious myself but I’m constantly thinking, what if I’m doomed cause even though I’ve been distancing myself from most of the evils in the world, mostly for my health recently, and been trying to do better morally, I’m still f***ed for hell cause how tf was I supposed to know that Christianity or any other religions that believe in hell or whatever was the correct religion?
This principle applies for all:
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27
religion is not correct