  • Jul 15, 2020

    Do you believe in the idea of fate?
    What I think is that although we have free will everything is already written and destined. Basically think of it like this god already knows what’s going to happen but we don’t simply because he isn’t bound to space and time.

  • Jul 15, 2020
    2 replies


    If everything is predestined how can we have free will? To me that seems like an oxymoron

    Like I get the argument is that God gives you the free will to make choices but he already knows what your choice is gonna be but then that means he created me to make those choices which means I never had free will to start with

  • OP
    Jul 15, 2020


    If everything is predestined how can we have free will? To me that seems like an oxymoron

    Like I get the argument is that God gives you the free will to make choices but he already knows what your choice is gonna be but then that means he created me to make those choices which means I never had free will to start with

    My view on it is like overall destiny of course you have find choice to do random stuff but the will of god is stronger than the will of men if that makes sense

  • 8J6 🤴🏼
    Jul 15, 2020
    1 reply

    Imagination runs the place

  • Jul 15, 2020

    I've been obsessed with this idea for a long time. Life does feel scripted in many ways.

  • OP
    Jul 15, 2020
    1 reply

    Imagination runs the place


  • plants 🌻
    Jul 15, 2020

    Man made god
    it's basically the wild west out here imo

  • Jul 15, 2020


  • Jul 15, 2020

    I’ve questioned the idea of fate and free will, but not because of a god

  • Jul 15, 2020



  • rvi 🐸
    Jul 15, 2020

    yes and the laws of nature rule all

  • 8J6 🤴🏼
    Jul 15, 2020


    Your destiny is responding 100% to you, your core beliefs, your world view, your expectations, your self image, and your own patterns and way of life. It comes to you in ways we know not of since these are beyond physicality.
    It's the law.
    It's all in your head

  • Jul 15, 2020

    I think it's a mixture of both destiny and things just happening based on cause and effect. It's hard to wrap your head around, but sometimes you get a feeling that an occurrence was meant to be regardless of the circumstances.

  • Jul 15, 2020

    No, doesn't make any sense to me.

  • Ari

    Do you believe in the idea of fate?
    What I think is that although we have free will everything is already written and destined. Basically think of it like this god already knows what’s going to happen but we don’t simply because he isn’t bound to space and time.

    I agree with you

  • I used to believe in it but realised you create your reality. By believing in predestination, this is also creating your reality

    Also on a tangent the multiverse BS is not real, this is the only timeline there is

  • Jul 15, 2020

    i believe in bofa

  • Jul 15, 2020

    Do you believe in the idea of fate?
    What I think is that although we have free will everything is already written and destined. Basically think of it like this god already knows what’s going to happen but we don’t simply because he isn’t bound to space and time.

    I see it as any number of set outcomes are possible depending on whatever choice you make in the moment

  • Jul 15, 2020
    1 reply


    If everything is predestined how can we have free will? To me that seems like an oxymoron

    Like I get the argument is that God gives you the free will to make choices but he already knows what your choice is gonna be but then that means he created me to make those choices which means I never had free will to start with

    Ur a part of “God”

  • Jul 15, 2020
    1 reply

    Ur a part of “God”

    🤔interesting outlook on things