  • Aug 5, 2023

    my narcissist boss ( got fired today lol

    share ur karma stories fam

  • Aug 5, 2023
    1 reply

  • Aug 5, 2023

    i have no proof

  • Aug 5, 2023

    u are elated that a fellow proletariat is unemployed by this unjust system because he hurt your “feelings”? You are a weakling and will be beheaded during the revolution

  • Aug 5, 2023
    2 replies

    Yeah anecdotally I think there is something to it, but I also believe there are ways to sidestep it which the elites may know

  • Aug 5, 2023

  • Aug 5, 2023
  • Aug 5, 2023

    Yeah anecdotally I think there is something to it, but I also believe there are ways to sidestep it which the elites may know

    An example is Travis Scott. Since his early career he put the most degenerate lyrics and ideas into his music, fast forward and the Astroworld tragedy happened where mostly white people started publicly asking for his head even when it was clear from common sense that it wasn't his fault. Now in his latest album hes shifted his tone and started talking about how hes keeping Lucifer and the devil at bay and promoting a more positive message overall. And any issues with Astroworld have mostly been dissolved since before this time.

  • plants 🌻
    Aug 5, 2023

  • Aug 5, 2023
    1 reply

    I can’t be that bad dammit

  • Aug 5, 2023


    cause and effect

  • Aug 5, 2023

    everyone does

  • Aug 5, 2023

    I don’t believe in some cosmic, divine karma happening to people who do a good deed/bad deed.

    But obviously if you’re repeatedly doing bad/immoral s*** then at some point that’s gonna come back to you and if you’re repeatedly doing good s*** and not being an a****** then better things are more likely to happen to you. That has nothing to do with karma though, that’s just the consequences of your actions.

  • Aug 5, 2023

    Not in the western depiction of it as a system of rewards and punishments, but kinda in the idea that it's a system of a cause and effect where a "good" action can also result in a "bad" effect and vice versa and the existence of a collective karma

  • Is it karma or is it fate

  • Aug 6, 2023

    Yeah anecdotally I think there is something to it, but I also believe there are ways to sidestep it which the elites may know

    "Karma" is just the manifestations of internalized remorse for your actions. We're all creators so we manifest the outcomes of our lives. A lot of rich people just have no remorse at all for their actions, that's why they don't experience karma

  • Aug 6, 2023

    What goes around comes around better

  • Aug 6, 2023
    1 reply
    Chip Skylark

    I can’t be that bad dammit

    you're horrible

  • Aug 6, 2023

    you're horrible

    U right

  • Aug 6, 2023

    yea hes my boyfriend