  • Feb 9, 2022

    Weird seeing people here believe in psychic s*** but I’m not mad. Tried to get some of you hip to it

  • Feb 9, 2022
    1 reply

    I like the idea of it but no. I don't believe in it.

    Cia tried to experiment with this s*** and came up with nothing. I think remote viewing is just very advanced educated guessing.

    Our brain fills in the blank and can probably do so at a higher level than we've realized/studied.

    But that's about it. Our imaginations are powerful and complex. But that's different from psychic abilities. We just have potentially more guessing power than we realize but we ain't lifting no objects with our mind or some s***.

  • Feb 9, 2022
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    I like the idea of it but no. I don't believe in it.

    Cia tried to experiment with this s*** and came up with nothing. I think remote viewing is just very advanced educated guessing.

    Our brain fills in the blank and can probably do so at a higher level than we've realized/studied.

    But that's about it. Our imaginations are powerful and complex. But that's different from psychic abilities. We just have potentially more guessing power than we realize but we ain't lifting no objects with our mind or some s***.

    Would the CIA really admit it to the public if their experiments were successful?

  • Feb 9, 2022

    Would the CIA really admit it to the public if their experiments were successful?

    By now? Yes. They experiemented with in the 60's and 70's. Other countries would've gained progress by now and the US would certainly want to get ahead of that.

  • Feb 9, 2022

    Didn’t the cia dumb years and years of spending on psychic research after a Russian woman was allegedly reported to have clairvoyance? It lasted for 30 years until they final ended testing without any significant results, but I haven’t looked into it outside of video essays

    Not sure, but most likely.
    Also cool avi. Is that your art?

  • Feb 9, 2022
  • Feb 9, 2022

    What in the Minority Report

  • Feb 9, 2022

    Yes but not really.

  • Feb 9, 2022

    Crazy how one side comment and your friend would let you sleep in a car over fear of you stealing his girl

    I’m sure he has bigger things on his hands right now 😂

  • Feb 9, 2022

    i’m convined my mom is, she’s saved my uncle from a car crash when they were young and some other s***

    most recent is she told me she was having dreams of me and police. she says she just saw me standing in front of multiple officers

    couple days later i get pulled over with weed on me

    literally the officers were standing in front of me like 👮🏻👮🏻👮🏻👮🏻 had me shoook

  • Carl Sweatpants

    Its on the CIA official website tho

    Lmao and u believe them

  • Feb 9, 2022

    @op you gotta say f*** it and let it play out to see what happens. Let him sleep there. I wanna see where this goes. Do it for science.

  • Feb 9, 2022
    1 reply

    OP sounding like the stereotyped "this relationship won't work out because of our zodiac signs" people rn

    Stop being insecure about your girl falling for someone else and if she does then it wouldn't have worked out anyway

  • Feb 9, 2022

    What gives the CIA the authority to “confirm” this

    They were researching it for intelligence gathering purposes. Check the conclusions section for the “confirmation”. They don’t actually say they confirmed it, but they say that it statistically is unlikely that the results were due to chance, though they didn’t know how to utilize it for intelligence gathering purposes.

  • Feb 9, 2022
    Carl Sweatpants

    So you believe this s*** right. Like I'm not crazy. Like I've literally moved different every time she dreams something particular.

    I do believe that some people are gifted like that yeah. Your girlfriend may actually be. I don’t believe that people can really harness it on demand and use it like super powers, but the y that you described your girlfriend getting it- as dreams, where even the “psychic” has to question if it means anything - yeah I believe that’s possible

  • Feb 9, 2022

    When my father passed away suddenly I remember seeing my phone ring and my moms number showing and I got a quick intuition something terrible had happened. Never been able to explain it.

  • Feb 9, 2022
    1 reply

    CIA recently confirmed remote viewing, but they didn’t know how to utilize it

    point me to the evidence

  • Feb 10, 2022

    OP sounding like the stereotyped "this relationship won't work out because of our zodiac signs" people rn

    Stop being insecure about your girl falling for someone else and if she does then it wouldn't have worked out anyway

    or maybe don't hit on your homes b****es and I won't have to be warned through her in a dream.

  • Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply

    I always hear people reference the ''universe'' and in a way i can understand, but also it's too big of a concept for me to say it like that. But yeah, def feels like there's SOMETHING guiding me along the way. The way i always try to explain it is (partly) through meditation it's like i'm letting the energy and specific thoughts flow through the whole session, sort of assisting in what the outcome should be, or at least, in what direction i need some help in

    But one could say since i'm speaking of energy that it relates to what people view as the universe

    Do you meditate strictly while sitting criss-cross? I find that it hurts my back but I had a shawty tell me recently that she lays down to meditate, so I've started trying it. So far I end up putting my ass to sleep tho lol

  • Feb 10, 2022

    Didn’t the cia dumb years and years of spending on psychic research after a Russian woman was allegedly reported to have clairvoyance? It lasted for 30 years until they final ended testing without any significant results, but I haven’t looked into it outside of video essays

    When it comes to this stuff, there's only so much they'll ever really tell us. Like officially MK Ultra was a failed experience. I don't necessarily buy that

  • Feb 10, 2022

    While we're on dreams tho, I had a night where I intently continued a dream I woke up from 3x over

  • Feb 10, 2022
    Beast Man

    Do you meditate strictly while sitting criss-cross? I find that it hurts my back but I had a shawty tell me recently that she lays down to meditate, so I've started trying it. So far I end up putting my ass to sleep tho lol

    I don’t actually, i just do whatever feels comfortable at that moment

  • Let him f*** her. He’s fallen on hard times
