Kiss your girl on the forehead, ears, and neck then make out with her and tell me that ain’t intimate
i think people get intimacy confused with sensuality
not jacking off for 7 days and getting h**** from just reading this thread really made me rethink my whole outlook on life
freaky frog
Depends on how you kiss, depends on how you f***
I would say s***has a greater potential for intimacy but there's some pretty cold, passionless s***that can be less intimate than making out
I feel like you don't really have to know someone to have s***these days. But, kissing implies that you know each other and you have reached a point where you can be intimate not just on an erotic level but on a romantic level that is only reserved for your bf/gf like you're ready to be in a relationship with that person. Like one you were thinking with your p****, the other was a decision of the heart. So to me, yeah kissing someone you know know is worse than f***ing some nobody. It just awakes completely different emotions in me.
Would you rather hear your girl kissed a guy at the club or got her s*** blown out nasty style ?
I seen way to many female have make out sessions with random dudes at parties to ever say that tbh, the average girl definitely aint having s***with a man she wouldn't kiss
i understand why cause most men don’t know how to make s***intimate lmao
Can’t relate