95% of my contacts list are people that I dont ever talk to. Do y'all delete them as contacts? I feel like I'm more likely to accidentally call them than I am to actually need to reach out to them for any reason.
If I haven’t spoke to them in years and know that I never will again then yea. I don’t like having a bunch of filler contacts to sift through
Believe it or not, I still have contacts in my phone from 2007. Just lazy to delete them. Loads of people from high school I was friends with.
Believe it or not, I still have contacts in my phone from 2007. Just lazy to delete them. Loads of people from high school I was friends with.
Why keep contacts you don't use
Too lazy to delete them
I got like 50 contacts that are just girls first names from dating apps
Too lazy to delete them
I got like 50 contacts that are just girls first names from dating apps
You plan on hitting em up again?
Only if its someone that jumps out at me as a name I dont want to see anymore. No bad blood? they could shoot me a text ten years from now if they want to and we can catch up
You plan on hitting em up again?
No way, that’s low even for a h**** night