I stare at the window towards the highway and imagine myself walking across it for a beautiful death every day
Love my job
Good benefits good pay comfortable flexible work from home laptop class plus I’m not working to make anyone else richer !
Yes I do, but I'm rare bc I work in the field that I studied and I earn enough to live comfortably. I wish that was the case for every career out there.
i would enjoy it more if the pay wasn’t s***
i’m thinking abt getting a factory job atp and i hate factory jobs but i can’t keep living like this
Yes i am my own boss and i have unlimited vacay days but i had to put my self worth on the line
Yeah, mostly. I hate getting up early and some classes suck more than others, but I teach at a school with resources and my 10th grade students mostly like and respect me. I run things, they don't, but they also feel comfortable being themselves.
A couple of times recently I've had different students say my English class is one of the only ones they can tolerate and how much they appreciate having me as a teacher.