Free weed?
If they seem like a nice person and it’s just one person sure
I remember I was smoking on the beach, and some dude came up to me and asked me if he could have a hit of my blunt and I said sure
Is op a troll?
I’m starting to notice a trend of who’s making the most ridiculous threads here lately.
Anyways. I won’t even share gas with my friends because I don’t know where any of them have been. Last time I passed a blunt in rotation with homies was 2015. Outside of that me and my ex had sessions which obviously isn’t going to bother me since we share germs all the time. Im definitely not going to share with a stranger lol
At raves I smoke everyone out I be feeding b****es cocaine too idgaf
lmfao chill
not really, unless it's a party and I'm vibing enough
no one on this site is a good friend
I am
no one on this site is a good friend
Even pre pandemic id never let anyone other than a close friend hit my s*** what the
I be bringing hookah tips to functions too nasty halitosis mufuckers out here