  • Like compare Travis Scott life of d****, s***with the hottest women and working on whatever the hell with whoever the hell while I’m busy trying to bust out Strava segments and teaching myself to weld

  • If I had as much time on my hands as Yo Gotti I’d be so good at welding by now

  • Frank had the right idea - make so much money that you can buy the nicest welder and spend your time doing that on label time

  • May 30

    we may not be the same but we're not that different

  • May 30
    1 reply

    “I’m sorry I live a boring life I love peace”

  • May 30

    “I’m sorry I live a boring life I love peace”

    I can see Kendrick doing his own home renovations

  • May 30
    1 reply

    Like compare Travis Scott life of d****, s***with the hottest women and working on whatever the hell with whoever the hell while I’m busy trying to bust out Strava segments and teaching myself to weld

    you're teaching yourself to weld not going thru a program?

  • May 30
    1 reply

    being an unemployed NEET is basically the same thing as being a rapper, no responsibilities, my management (mom and dad) does the boring stuff for me, and i can focus solely on creating my art (KTT2 s***posting)

  • May 30
    1 reply
    whippet volverse

    you're teaching yourself to weld not going thru a program?

    Yeah just teaching myself and getting tips. Not as hard as you’d think

  • May 30

    being an unemployed NEET is basically the same thing as being a rapper, no responsibilities, my management (mom and dad) does the boring stuff for me, and i can focus solely on creating my art (KTT2 s***posting)

    I know a perfect post when I see one

  • Mozumozu

    Yeah just teaching myself and getting tips. Not as hard as you’d think

    oh ok, good luck with the grind

  • May 30
    1 reply

    for some rap is just a job

  • May 30
    1 reply

    Met enough rappers to know I’m not that different from them

  • Lemmy go back to instagram

  • Twicetagram

    for some rap is just a job


    Akon city is taking so long because akon is building all the buildings himself. After a lot of trial and error he’s officially gotten the foundation done for akon city’s first building

  • May 30
    1 reply

    Met enough rappers to know I’m not that different from them

    Okay big man Mr I Know Rappers. Bet you can’t weld though, smart ass

  • May 30
    2 replies

    Okay big man Mr I Know Rappers. Bet you can’t weld though, smart ass

    Yeah I work w my mind not my hands like a peon like u

  • May 30

    sure if you take the most surface level

    i am also from a very hiphop area tho

  • I used to rap back in college.

    And I drank a lot and f***ed a lot. Didn't do any hard d**** though.

  • May 30
    1 reply

    Yeah I work w my mind not my hands like a peon like u

    This dumb mfer can’t even frame a wall

  • May 30
    1 reply

    Yeah I work w my mind not my hands like a peon like u


  • May 30
    1 reply

    Travis Scott specifically probably just as “lame” as you

  • May 30
    1 reply
    · edited

    Travis Scott specifically probably just as “lame” as you

    Da hell

  • Mozumozu

    Da hell

    Lmaooo i was in process of adding quotations

    In the sense that he probably isnt far off from most of the suburban raised socially awkward/non super charismatic dudes on here if you took away the clothes and s*** lol