  • Jun 5, 2021

    I want to find peace of mind, a steady longterm partner and blossom a rewarding career in journo

  • Jun 5, 2021

    Life for you is just starting fam

    scary s***

    but exciting

  • OP idk what your degree is but have you ever considered doing remote work and just traveling for a while? (if that’s even an option) Digital nomad is the new age term I guess. Could help you find some answers. Just seeing the world meeting new people and stuff

  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply

    I just want happiness and to live on my ancestral lands.

  • Jun 5, 2021


  • Jun 5, 2021

    I just want happiness and to live on my ancestral lands.


  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply

    I’m at a point in my life where money doesn’t mean anything to me tbh, I live comfortably right now but I want something more

    Thinking about opening a coffee shop and maybe buying land in the countryside or some s*** lmao

  • Jun 5, 2021

    I got my college degree overseas last year and i know for sure it was a waste of 5 years and i regret even getting the degree and now am stuck in a phase in life in which i dont know what i f***ing want to do in life

    i mean i know what i want to do but i have no experience in that specific field and i know for sure i know never want to do what i got my degree in.

    this is my greatest depression. i am living on my own, working 22$ an hour, barely saving any money after paying all my bills and am greatly depressed an i'm only 24.

    Bro start your own business. That sounds like some dope.ass s***

  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply
    Twist Your Cap

    If you realize that then you're on the right path man, don't be hard on yourself

    In the end no degree matters honestly, it's how how you think, I didn't learn jack about coding until I was by my own accord

    It'll work out just breathe a bit think about what makes you happy

    Maybe do some psychedelics lmao that helped me

    What resources did you use to learn coding

  • Jun 5, 2021

    I’m at a point in my life where money doesn’t mean anything to me tbh, I live comfortably right now but I want something more

    Thinking about opening a coffee shop and maybe buying land in the countryside or some s*** lmao

    That sounds so peaceful bro.

    I hope you get it

    I wouldn't mind a life like that at all

  • Jun 5, 2021

    I’m just trying to vibe tbh

  • Jun 5, 2021

    I’ve achieved all my financial goals

    Start a family and travel, the leave a legacy and be impactful in my field. I wanna be remembered for what I accomplished and brought to others.

  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    What resources did you use to learn coding

    Well I initially learned C++ in school and from there it was easy to just hop in freecodecamp type s*** or just look up the correlations to other languages

    Once you know one you can transfer the knowledge to all essentially

    What're you trying to learn I guess is my question?

  • Kengi 💭
    Jun 5, 2021

    I wanna know what I wanna do

  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply
    free world

    Own a business
    Own some kids
    Own some wives
    Own a house
    Own a car

    You want to own kids????


    You want to own kids????

    Maybe he wants to adopt?

  • Jun 5, 2021
    Twist Your Cap

    Well I initially learned C++ in school and from there it was easy to just hop in freecodecamp type s*** or just look up the correlations to other languages

    Once you know one you can transfer the knowledge to all essentially

    What're you trying to learn I guess is my question?

    I learned python and Java in college and have forgotten a large majority over time. I want to relearn it and start coding projects

  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply


  • Jun 5, 2021
    aaron xx


    yo u my aussie aaron from ktt1 travis fam?