  • Jan 14, 2021


  • Jan 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Yes. It's the root cause of all my problems. It's why i sabotage relationships and run away from those who care about me,it's why i'm apprehensive about doing almost anything and it's why my grades in school were average because i lacked the mentality to believe in myself.

  • Jan 14, 2021

    I love myself fr.

  • Jan 14, 2021

    i dislike certain aspects of myself but overall i love me very much

  • Jan 14, 2021

    heeeeeeeeeell no

  • Jan 14, 2021

    i’m the GOAT

  • Jan 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Yes. It's the root cause of all my problems. It's why i sabotage relationships and run away from those who care about me,it's why i'm apprehensive about doing almost anything and it's why my grades in school were average because i lacked the mentality to believe in myself.

    hate to say it but you're the only person who can change things around. everyone is capable, it's just doing. that's the word: doing. no one can do it for you. we all human man there's no need to hate yourself

  • Jan 14, 2021


  • Jan 14, 2021

    yes i do

  • Jan 14, 2021

    I just hate the things I don't do

  • Jan 14, 2021

    for certain things yes i do but overall, and this is what this question boils down to, to me, i ask myself, would i take the chance at being reborn into any random life? i say f*** no, i would not want to be nobody else, in no type of worse situation ... like nah man i love what made me, me. i might be lil off n all but i love my singularity. singularity which would have never happened had i not experienced what i would end up experiencing. nobody out there like me and i believe someday someone will recognize that and appreciate me for me it. and even if not, i am starting to learn to love myself as well as appreciating myself. so as long as i can express myself, i think im good. ultimately, no i do not hate myself.

    but a lot has had to change over a long period of time for me to be able to say that. its difficult and each day feels like hell but man, if you hate yourself, no you don't. please dont let the need to feel good as a human being die out and you be the reason for it. there isnt anything anyone can tell anyone that will make them go from hating themselves to loving themselves, but i believe anyone can figure it out, even if you need prof help, following good in your life everyday, wanting to be good, understanding it might be a process through which you have to take certain actions, but never losing the thirst for life and prosperity. its the only thing that keeps me where i need to be mentally.

  • Jan 14, 2021

    some days

    others I'm the greatest mf to walk the planet

  • Jan 14, 2021


  • Jan 14, 2021

    yea i used to but I don't anymore

  • Jan 14, 2021


  • Jan 14, 2021

    hate to say it but you're the only person who can change things around. everyone is capable, it's just doing. that's the word: doing. no one can do it for you. we all human man there's no need to hate yourself

    You 100% right. I'm working on it everyday.