My Auntie put me on to Drake that’s why I like that Young Thug Tussin verse so much
I respected that verse from day one cause he was just speaking on how he felt. Can’t hate on a nigga for putting their real feelings in the music
I respected that verse from day one cause he was just speaking on how he felt. Can’t hate on a nigga for putting their real feelings in the music
Man fr it was raw emotion
My grandma put me onto Rx Nephew
When I was in church, I had questions
My grandma like, "Hold on, grandson got a question"
They passed me the mic at the kingdom hall
I'm like, "Who told y'all it's that many stars?"
They told me, "Don't question the Bible"
I'm like, "Grandma, stop goin' to the kingdom hall"
Them people ain't your friends anyway"
always got soft spot for 90s and early 00s alt rock cause thats what i heard for like most of my childhood
my grandma put me on to purple rain when i was little and once i heard that s*** was over for me
My sister always played Dipset and Jay Z in the car when I was really young. Pretty much my introduction to hip hop
i mean i first heard hip hop and r&b from my mom playing it in the car and s*** when i was a toddler but i wouldn't call that putting me on, she was just playing s*** that she liked
i've never had someone from my family pull me to the side on some "yo mill, check this out" type of s*** you know