My s*** is so ass and so f***ing inconsistent man.
On one hand, no one has any chance of successfully forging my signature, on the other hand, I can’t even forge my own signature.
its aight
I wanna know who these people with fancy signatures think they're impressing. the minimum wage worker at the check cashing place?
I just do my first and last initial in one fast scribble
It looks fancy to the point people say it looks nice but I swear I just do it that way so it takes less than a second. I have to practice it all day tho so that's part of it ig
I have always put a period after my signature cus I heard Jose Mourinho does that in some ted talk on leadership when I was 14 or so lol
It’s pretty bad I think. It’s ultimately just my initials, and was actually asked to resign some things because of it lol
There’s a great clip out there of will smith explaining how you should always switch up your signature every 10 years or something
I write a P (first letter of my first name) then scribble like f*** in an inconsistent pattern before ending in an r (last name of last name). Sometimes it resembles my name and looks dope some times it looks abhorrent, like paraplegically bad