Yea some are like 14 - 17 years in so far
I did, one disappeared after rehab though
The other one I got into a huge fight with like 6 years ago but we're planning on meeting up soon, were both married now
y u fight
y u fight
Neither of us even remember we were all mad f***ed up and tripped out on each other. Was so long ago we just laughed about it on messenger
Neither of us even remember we were all mad f***ed up and tripped out on each other. Was so long ago we just laughed about it on messenger
u ever get intimate?
u ever get intimate?
Not with her but with a few of her friends (the friend of mine was not attractive, we roasted my bro who slept with her for years)
Not with her but with a few of her friends (the friend of mine was not attractive, we roasted my bro who slept with her for years)
so she clapped?
Maybe like one or two. Majority of the time I'm not the most close to them compared to fellas.
Yes it’s a nice dynamic to have someone who can be candid with you from a different perspective
every man needs one long term female friend they're not attracted to sexually that their girlfriend will hate
yeah this coworker i worked with for 2 months and then she got fired lol
we been bestfriends 2 years now pretty cool
no but I currently only have like 2 real friends anyway
i used to, but this ^^
no i mean was she unattractive to you?
Yeah but we lived together and s*** so she felt like a sister regardless, but she was not really attractive lol
Yeah but we lived together and s*** so she felt like a sister regardless, but she was not really attractive lol
that's calm the prospect of you ever catching feelings is low
I’ve only got one and she’s a cool masc leaning lesbian/bi chick I’ve known for a few years now who is socially anxious but really chill and has similar interests to me/lives near me.
I wouldn’t say that I don’t find her attractive at all but I honestly value her friendship beyond any sexual possibility and I have a great amount of respect for her because of the kind of person she is.
I don’t enjoy being friends with most women I find attractive though because either I’d rather have a sexual relationship with them if possible OR even if it is truly platonic on both sides, they usually ghost once they find a guy they want to date/fuck on.
I’m cool on that. As far as I’m concerned my girl is all I need lol and even if I was single, most chicks from my experience aren’t consistent enough friends for me to want them in my life because of the reasons said above.
friends with benefits