i usually only post stories too now igs gotten trash since they started showing us randos on the feed
Being insecure about the amount of likes you get i didn’t even know you could voluntarily hide them
Yall be s***ting on social media then be complaining yall dont get no b****es 😭😭😭
niggas claim they not on social media then wake up and use KTT2
Y'all KTT is social media
Anyways, what's the big deal? Have some confidence. Who cares if yo s*** gets 3 likes or 300. Put your s*** out there and stand by it.
Within reason of course.
It's like YouTube disabling dislikes tryna keep people on the platform quit being insecure don't be putting out mid and your s*** will get likes
Hundreds of scientific studies on the negative psychological effects of social media, especially on the youth
Lol just stop being insecure
niggas claim they not on social media then wake up and use KTT2
They definitely are significantly different tho when it's anonymous
Although many long time community members eventually create an online identity
They definitely are significantly different tho when it's anonymous
Although many long time community members eventually create an online identity
most social media can be anon yall choose to post yourselves
most social media can be anon yall choose to post yourselves
Okay so? It's about how they're being used in practice
Obviously an anonymous account changes the dynamics
Even if you hide likes can’t people count the accounts that have liked your post though? So if you hide likes but get 4 likes people can just count the names
i didn’t know you could do this now, yeah imma hide my likes
i wish ig would get rid of like count all together.
like allow people to like the photo, no need for the amount to be displayed.
horrible for kids self confidence
whole purpose of instagram nowadays is to be a communication platform for brands, how can you estimate the value of an account with no likes and no follwowers count?
This will be the death of the platform
Even if you hide likes can’t people count the accounts that have liked your post though? So if you hide likes but get 4 likes people can just count the names
4 likes is kinda crazy tho
whole purpose of instagram nowadays is to be a communication platform for brands, how can you estimate the value of an account with no likes and no follwowers count?
This will be the death of the platform
niggas claim they not on social media then wake up and use KTT2
This is more a music forum than it's social media.
whole purpose of instagram nowadays is to be a communication platform for brands, how can you estimate the value of an account with no likes and no follwowers count?
This will be the death of the platform
the like are still there and as a promoter/influencer/whatever you fancy yourself, you’re still able to show off your engagements. they have a whole feature dedicated strictly for that.
also ig died like 4 years ago
Y’all be talkin bout leaving social media being the best thing you done when stop being insecure is what y’all should be working on
But I promise you nobody cares about how many followers or likes y’all got, unless y’all literal children, and even then they don’t be caring really they just on there goofing around lol
Y’all be talkin bout leaving social media being the best thing you done when stop being insecure is what y’all should be working on
But I promise you nobody cares about how many followers or likes y’all got, unless y’all literal children, and even then they don’t be caring really they just on there goofing around lol
The negative influence of social media goes beyond confidence
Y’all be talkin bout leaving social media being the best thing you done when stop being insecure is what y’all should be working on
But I promise you nobody cares about how many followers or likes y’all got, unless y’all literal children, and even then they don’t be caring really they just on there goofing around lol
Yall be s***ting on social media then be complaining yall dont get no b****es 😭😭😭
Hundreds of scientific studies on the negative psychological effects of social media, especially on the youth
Lol just stop being insecure
Social media is negative, yes. So is television, video games, just about anything. It's hard to hide from it all.
The point isn't just to get over it, it's to not put that much stock into it in the first place. I'm an extremely introverted person that was never popular, but age and experience eventually made me realize the futility of caring about s*** like that.
Instagram is WOAT for many reasons, the like feature isn't among the worst offenders.