If so, what about it do you like?
If not, what would you rather do/are you in a position to change that situation?
I like my job well enough. Assistant manager at a local fast casual restaurant, so I do a little bit of everything. I'd say the positives are free food/a lot of flexibility to do "what I want" within reason. I get paid more for doing less work than my last job, which is a blessing.
I do hate dealing with customers though, but that's honestly a me thing because most people are nice, it's just that since I do everything, it bothers me when niggas stand at the front counter not knowing what they want
I want to become a teacher one day, though because I f***ed off in college, I'm scared of approaching academia again/fear of debt, but inshallah I'll be ready when I'm ready.
@user_offlineforeve @derekdod what y'all niggas do lol
yeah I like it
it's easy, I got a lot of quiet time to myself in my lil back corner office, and the work I do directly impacts my community
yeah I like it
it's easy, I got a lot of quiet time to myself in my lil back corner office, and the work I do directly impacts my community
Started a new job in September
Most hourly pay I’ve ever had
Actual set finish time
17 holidays a year
Only downside is the possibility my position won’t exist in 10 years
@user_offlineforeve @derekdod what y'all niggas do lol
manage a clothing brand
Hate the hours. Got to wake up at 5 and I'm not learning too much
Takes an hour to get home and that means I only have 3-4 hours to really do anything
And if I want to exercise I have to do it asap or I can't wind down before I sleep
I like my job well enough. Assistant manager at a local fast casual restaurant, so I do a little bit of everything. I'd say the positives are free food/a lot of flexibility to do "what I want" within reason. I get paid more for doing less work than my last job, which is a blessing.
I do hate dealing with customers though, but that's honestly a me thing because most people are nice, it's just that since I do everything, it bothers me when niggas stand at the front counter not knowing what they want
I want to become a teacher one day, though because I f***ed off in college, I'm scared of approaching academia again/fear of debt, but inshallah I'll be ready when I'm ready.
as someone who just got into university for the second time, looking to become a teacher - do it
we need more good teachers in this world, it’s really such an important profession
there’s things about it that make it hard like being in debt/broke while studying
but at the end of the day we are so essential to society and that’s honestly what keeps me going
Yep my duties are light enough to give me time to draw during the day which is awesome.
Good pay for the position
Tuition assistance
Building a reputation and career long relationships
Getting all the specific types of hours for my program
It makes me feel good, like I'm doing what I always wanted to
As soon as I get my master's I will be leaving and saying f*** this company till the day I die tho