  • As opposed to albums with many producers and varying sounds? Madvillainy vs The Blueprint, spose.

    The new thing seems to be linking with a specific producer and running up a whole project a la Alc, a la Metro. Feels like it’s very easy to keep a baseline tone but imo it can get kind of boring. Floor is yours

  • I think I prefer it when it's one specific producer leading the project. Even if they only do most of the production.

    But if it's different producers creating a cohesive vision obviously that works too.

  • Jan 30
    1 reply

    The one producer thing has been around for years, I think most classic rap albums have only one or two producers leading it.

  • flizzy

    The one producer thing has been around for years, I think most classic rap albums have only one or two producers leading it.

    Yeah Illmatic was one of the few that really broke out if this mold early on

  • Depends
    I think if albums like Illmatic that sort of showcased the best producers out of nyc during that time. That model works too.

  • i prefer when its multiple producers, gives you a more broad amount of vibes and such its just it takes more talent to make a cohesive album but having a team of creative minds works to make the best maximalist s***

    like kendrick's discog and a lot of blog era guys wouldnt be what they were at ALL with one producer its just too much for one guy
    i think one producer albums usually work better for more minimalist s***