On paper Die Lit sounds like i should enjoy it more but WLR actually was different and felt like an album experience, something we lack in this streaming age in hiphop and especially when we talking about rappers that came up in the soundcloud era
So s/o Carti for coming through on WLR
they're probably close on a strictly musical level but i love everything about wlm on like an aesthetic level, even the build up, basically ripping up whatever was meant to come out and starting from scratch etc - very cool imo
WLR is like soda - rarely want it but it’s enjoyable
Die lit is like a smoothie - Sounds good anytime and enjoyable
Die Lit is slightly more cohesive as a album. WLR on the other hand has more replay value.
I think they’re now tied for me but initially I gave the edge to WLR.
die lit better and its not even close
It is and it’s not close. WLR beats are interesting and have a distinctive style and sound that sets them apart, whereas many Die Lit beats are hard, but could have also been anyone else’s beat.
Hardly anyone, if anyone at all, was using beats like WLR until it dropped
I didn’t think I would like it better but I recently went back through his discography and felt like WLR aged better. DL had songs that were clearly made to appeal to the industry while WLR felt more rebellious in a similar vain to Yeezus.
Actually I take that back I'll say it's a tie, die lit has some rly dope songs with a couple I don't like, wlr also has some rly dope songs and some I hate but it's a lil more bloated