Bruh u gotta throw one of my s***posts in a video
Aight so if this is actually legit we all know what you need to do
Post hand pic or ban
Definitely I'm making a thread with my address in it and accepting all fades I'm sick of this s***
I'm new here so the personal insults were a bit off putting, within my first day of posting I was called "fat boy" or "fatass" multiple times
It's alright though
the most active people on this site are single unemployed and artistic
opinion means absolutely nothing
esp those threads, its the same 5-6 people on 24/7 with no life
I probably blocked like 3 guys but the only one I remember is Rigby cus after a few years he asked me to unblock him
Rigby is a good guy; I couldn’t imagine blocking him, lol.
Rigby is a good guy; I couldn’t imagine blocking him, lol.
Bruh was pushing it about 6 years ago
Nah man, once you stop spending so much time on the internet, you realise how pointless this s*** is.
I don’t think I’ve ever typed a single post without at least a smirk on my face. Regardless of the truthfulness, tone, or topic this s*** is all jokes at the end of the day.
I reveal personal details here and there but not nearly enough for anyone on this site to really understand or feel me. Nothing anyone posts bothers me at all
I got haters on here that take offense to my greatness but i take it as a compliment
Like FDR said judge me by my enemies 💯
i remember when i was like 13 on ktt1 i went to the weeknd sxn chat thread and got laughed out it with a bunch of inside jokes and roasting because i didn't recognise a weeknd lyric
when you got no emotional vulnerability with ppl irl gonna find a way to take s*** personal on the internet for that fix