i want to know what you think. by asking this question i sincerely know the responsibility for being lame, and i honestly do not imply anything or try to perpetuate conflict. Just a question.
State Your race (if you want) and answer.
Im listening to Sup Mate by Young Thug right now.
Lock it up mods por favor
hey i try to understand social dynamics in US stop that
there’s prejudice and there’s racism.
there’s a distinction. A lot of people don’t know that
i am also listening to sup mate by young thug rn
Damn I’m listening to sup mate by young thug rn
Outside of pure violence the only thing black people have the capability to do is hurt white peoples feelings
If the worst thing white people did to black people was call them n*gger....
Just look at us three. @mill @YoungWaltDisney
Listening to Sup Mate by Young Thug. Just look at us.