they're definitely drifting apart in terms of kanye's politics, his very conservative views about sexuality, and banning TV cameras from his home. will they divorce? maybe after kanye's next breakdown
The fact that they're still together and having kids is evidence that it's all just a big show.
No. You thought you had one huh
ban op asap !!!
The fact that they're still together and having kids is evidence that it's all just a big show.
What's all just a big show?
I think they are politically much closer than we think tbh
They won't divorce in the next years, maybe after quite some time or they could do it like the Smiths, keep up the marriage and have a open relationship and can f*** different ppl, who knows
10 hours ago
lock thread
no but i do think drake is gonna get another ogre looking escort pregnant
Needless tbh