  • Aug 14, 2023

    like in the fashion scene where we are just recycling the 90s and 00s fashion aesthetic because we ran out of new and original aesthetics

  • Aug 14, 2023

    I have an idea for a new genre but I'm not sharing

  • Aug 14, 2023


  • Aug 14, 2023
    3 replies

    We haven’t run out of new fashion trends they’re just priced above the everyday consumer

  • Aug 14, 2023
    Basketball Fan

    We haven’t run out of new fashion trends they’re just priced above the everyday consumer

  • Aug 14, 2023

    New music genres will be invented by AI.

  • does future mean like 20 years or ten thousand years

    dont think its gonna happen soon no

  • idk what constitues a new genre either, there will def always be new sounds & scenes in niche microgenres

  • Aug 14, 2023

    we are in a creative revolution

  • Aug 14, 2023
    1 reply
    Basketball Fan

    We haven’t run out of new fashion trends they’re just priced above the everyday consumer

    most of "new fashion" are just y2k aesthetics (00s but recycled).

  • Aug 14, 2023

    If you mean a MAJOR genre then maybe in the far future if we get aliens in the booth or somethin
    But i can see a lot of subgrenres or extreme niche genres becoming trendy for a while

  • rastafire

    most of "new fashion" are just y2k aesthetics (00s but recycled).

    Is there some of that? Yes. Does that mean there is no true innovation happening in fashion? Absolutely not.

  • Aug 14, 2023
    2 replies

    like why nowadays no one invented something like Jimi Hendrix invented?

  • Aug 14, 2023

    i mean there will always be something out there thats unique

    its just a matter of finding it

  • Aug 14, 2023

    like why nowadays no one invented something like Jimi Hendrix invented?


  • Aug 14, 2023

    most of the music is just recycled from the 2000s too

  • Aug 14, 2023

    Their are new genres being made everyday in the underground music scene, it’s just comes down to which ones are going to become popular first.

  • Aug 14, 2023
    1 reply


  • Aug 14, 2023
    2 replies

    like why nowadays no one invented something like Jimi Hendrix invented?

    you’re a dumbass

  • Aug 14, 2023
    2 replies

    anyways, no because genres aren’t even a real thing if we’re keeping it a buck lol

    as long as there’s words to mash together there will always be a new genre of whatever

  • Aug 14, 2023

    you’re a dumbass

    why u so aggressive bro lol

  • Aug 14, 2023

    anyways, no because genres aren’t even a real thing if we’re keeping it a buck lol

    as long as there’s words to mash together there will always be a new genre of whatever

  • Aug 14, 2023

    you’re a dumbass

  • Aug 14, 2023

    I think about this often actually

    The advent of new genres always runs parallel to the invention of new technologies so it really depends on what direction we go in as far as that goes

    To give you an idea of what I mean consider this short history lesson:

    prior to the advent of the microphone in the late 1800s popular music genres mostly consisted of music that could be performed live where the singer or musician was able to be loud enough on their own in a concert hall such as classical music, opera, and big band. Country music was largely just performed locally in front of small crowds with a singer and a guitar/banjo etc.

    After microphones started to become more wide spread for live and studio recording applications (a revolution in itself as well) jazz started to take shape since mics were able to pick up the intricacies of jazz musician’s complex performances. The aforementioned genres also benefited from this.

    Multi-track recording brought in a wave of all new genres such as rock, pop, rnb and soul while the digital revolution and the synthesized/sample based machines of the 80s and 90s made hip-hop possible

    Now with most music production taking place in a computer using a DAW trap has become the dominant force influencing modern popular music.

    AI generated music is shaking things up but I can’t really see a well defined new genre coming from it since it’s so all encompassing and literally can produce anything. One person can use it in an entirely different way than another person. That said I think we are entering an era where individuality will reign supreme and all genres will continue to coalesce into one “hive genre” that humanity embraces globally. Probably around the same time we hit the technological singularity and become a hive mind but that’s a post for another day.

  • Aug 14, 2023
    1 reply

    anyways, no because genres aren’t even a real thing if we’re keeping it a buck lol

    as long as there’s words to mash together there will always be a new genre of whatever

    Yeah cuz rap & country definitely sound the same musically lmao