  • Jun 21, 2020

    Everyone can change not every body will

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    waiting for someone to snitch on themselves

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    waiting for someone to snitch on themselves

    i will.

  • Jun 21, 2020

    i will.

    I already know what you did last summer.

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    I think the biggest problem that cancel culture has had on society is that it has made us much less forgiving. I believe everyone can change for the better.

  • Jun 21, 2020
    frank 2022

    I think the biggest problem that cancel culture has had on society is that it has made us much less forgiving. I believe everyone can change for the better.

    Feel this

  • Jun 21, 2020

    Your impact on the world is measured by sum of your actions. You can be a horrible person in one person's mind, or a saint in the other. The best thing you can do is keep up a positive attitude and do right by others. But maybe you would feel more closure if you reached out to the people you feel like you've wronged.

  • Jun 21, 2020

    Like do you think everyone can change? Because i def did

    but you always still did all this s***?

    Like i used to bully the f*** out of kids in my school, did f***ed up s*** to girls ....

    Or like my mom, used to beat me as a kid like every other day, and i still got scars of that stuff on my hands and s***

    I don’t really believe that kids do that type of s*** out of nowhere (although there are exceptions).

    I imagine you’re still relatively young, so the fact that you’re reflective on the bad s*** you did at school shows a lot of growth tbh. I assume you don’t do it now so no you’re not a bad person. I know plenty of people who were d***heads at school and behave in the exact same way ten years later.

    Would be less forgiving of adults tho

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply

    i watched this vice video about some rehabilitated child s***offenders who were trying hard to survive in a community only amongst themselves because nobody else would help them. kinda made me think about which crimes are unforgiveable

  • Yes

  • Jun 24, 2020

    All we can really do is just keep improving as people. I’m much better person that I was like 8 years ago. I had to start from that place to get where I am now. I’ll apologize for things I’ve done in the past, but I can’t change what’s already happened, so all I can do is promise to keep improving.

  • Jun 24, 2020

    People change but some things aren’t forgivable

  • Jun 24, 2020
    1 reply
    look into my eyes

    Rape the only thing that’s Unforgivable in every scenario

    Literally not murder but rape?

  • Jun 24, 2020
    1 reply

    Literally not murder but rape?

    nah because there are some scenarios where murder is forgivable i.e. self defense or defending others, but rape

  • Jun 24, 2020
    1 reply
    look into my eyes

    nah because there are some scenarios where murder is forgivable i.e. self defense or defending others, but rape

    That’s weird that murder doesn’t come to your mind first- esp since I said murder, not killing, but murder meaning not in self defense or defense of others.

    It should definitely be
    1 murder
    2 rape
    just based on permanence of the act

    I feel like people’s consciousnesses just go with what’s in the air like all these rape cases coming out so you jumped over murder to rape lol

  • Jun 24, 2020

    All that s*** will come back to hunt you, no debt goes unpaid.

    Just dont become famous and you might now get cancelled

  • Jun 24, 2020
    1 reply
    u ok jay

    i watched this vice video about some rehabilitated child s***offenders who were trying hard to survive in a community only amongst themselves because nobody else would help them. kinda made me think about which crimes are unforgiveable

    I mean, these ppl idk

    If they did something, there is no forgiving, because that literally ruins a life forever

  • plants 🌻
    Jun 24, 2020
    1 reply

    did f***ed up s*** to girls

    uhhhh pause

    f*** u mean by this

  • Jun 24, 2020

    I mean, these ppl idk

    If they did something, there is no forgiving, because that literally ruins a life forever

    that's the thing though, we don't know how long it could take or have any frame of reference for when someone could be A) rehabilitated and B) forgiven

    which is why so many prison sentences are bullshit

    (oh yeah f*** pedophiles tho)

  • Jun 24, 2020
    2 replies

    rape is unforgivable
    murder is forgivable under very specific circumstances

  • Jun 24, 2020

    You live in a world of social contracts. If you break any, it is what it is.

  • Jun 24, 2020
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    rape is unforgivable
    murder is forgivable under very specific circumstances

    I agree

    But like if a company is killing ppl with their toxic waste for example

    Thats murder too right?

    Because i seems like ppl care more when sby actually does it with their hands

  • Jun 24, 2020

    I agree

    But like if a company is killing ppl with their toxic waste for example

    Thats murder too right?

    Because i seems like ppl care more when sby actually does it with their hands

    It’s easier to place blame on the person who commits with their hands.

    When it comes to placing blame on a corporation you have to have a detailed investigation and charge the correct people responsible for setting those kind of things in motion.

  • Jun 24, 2020
    1 reply

    Every human can change but people are too emotional about this kinda stuff to talk objectively about it