Memes allowed.
Once fight or flight instinct kicks in, I assume I'd choose fight but who knows unless I'm under that kinda pressure. Taking a life must weigh a ton on your mental state, idk if I'd be able to handle it, even if I can rationalize it after the fact, but if it needs to be done, then it is what it is. Take it day by day and learn to live without an extra human on this planet and knowing that what they caused lead to my effect of murder
I'd be careful with this thread, you know there are losers on this forum.
whats this got to do with losers
I'd be careful with this thread, you know there are losers on this forum.
I already banned all losers from entering one of my threads
if it comes down to the point where it's my last point of defence is my life was at peril then
It’s not necessarily illegal to kill someone.
care to esplain mijo???
if my life or the life of someone close to me was being threatened? absolutely.
for personal gain even if there was a guarantee I couldn't get caught? absolutely not.
self defense, stand your ground laws
True, but it's a crime until proven justifiable in the court of law. So that's correct I guess
if my life or the life of someone close to me was being threatened? absolutely.
for personal gain even if there was a guarantee I couldn't get caught? absolutely not.
Depends on what type of personal gain tf, aim for their legs