Can't lie. I wasn't expecting that regeneration
8 year old me just lost his damn mind.
The episode was absolutely awful, just like this entire era, RIGHT up until that final 2 minutes
Can't lie. I wasn't expecting that regeneration
8 year old me just lost his damn mind.
The episode was absolutely awful, just like this entire era, RIGHT up until that final 2 minutes
Spoil it, I haven’t watched DW since the second or third Capaldi season
Spoil it, I haven’t watched DW since the second or third Capaldi season
It's all over the news if you wanna find out
Need thread revival
Growing up this was my Star Wars
Started rewatching the show and just got to Matt Smith (aka the GOAT )
Gonna finally watch all of the Jodie’s run too
Can’t wait for the new season
never watched capaldi when he was on been making my way through it and just finished season 9
12 might be my favorite doctor now no cap
kind of hate clara but it was cool how it ended for her tho
never watched capaldi when he was on been making my way through it and just finished season 9
12 might be my favorite doctor now no cap
kind of hate clara but it was cool how it ended for her tho
Why do hate Clara?
never watched capaldi when he was on been making my way through it and just finished season 9
12 might be my favorite doctor now no cap
kind of hate clara but it was cool how it ended for her tho
real af
Capaldi was so good
Season 9 is top 3 seasons of the modern show
Why do hate Clara?
her personality super generic
she way too optimistic always saying some corny catchphrases n s***
i hate the companions in season 10 even more so far
donna was the goat
rewatching man this really is one of the greatest shows ever
never watched after matt smith left though
so i don’t know how bad the newer doctors are
Peter cap also was f***ing amazing, he has arguably the best episode in all of doctor who with heaven sent