  • Damn game was spitting

    I understand its impossible to make a better album than the documentary for game but he still made a great album

    Dam game really got a great discography
    Imagine if he wasnt a d***head

  • Apr 9, 2024
    1 reply

    "I understand it's impossible to make a better album than the documentary for game...."

    Uhhh, he surpassed it with Doctor's Advocate @op lol

    The Documentary is a classic, but Doctor's Advocate has always been the better overall album to me.

  • Apr 9, 2024
    A E M 7

    "I understand it's impossible to make a better album than the documentary for game...."

    Uhhh, he surpassed it with Doctor's Advocate @op lol

    The Documentary is a classic, but Doctor's Advocate has always been the better overall album to me.

    I love DA, game might be a better rapper there but documentary just got everything on a very high scale
    Timeless hit songs
    Emotional song over prime ye beat
    The last time dre actually put effort to some album(dont think he was that focused on gkmc)
    One of the greatest intros oat

    Plus some songs in second part of DA feels like fillers tbh