should've seen an orthopedic or podiatrist first. not on the physician at all tbh
try crossing up that white boy now, dumbass
never thought I’d get disrespected Iike this in public that too during black history month
@plants get your ass itt
im not a f***in doctor wtf
Classic Tobacky thread
By the way I've reported OP for being an alt of a banned user, I suggest everyone does the same.
By the way I've reported OP for being an alt of a banned user, I suggest everyone does the same.
im reporting you punk
By the way I've reported OP for being an alt of a banned user, I suggest everyone does the same.
Not once have I mentioned my body fat %
Not once have I mentioned my body fat %
You saying you got fat af during your absence? Sorry that happened to you.
lord help me if i need serious medical help and my doctor posts on ktt
Catch me scrolling gng while putting you on a ventilator
Catch me scrolling gng while putting you on a ventilator
Bro that indication means you have a tumor, WTF.
OP gonna regret not hearing about pre emptive chemotherapy before that's for sure