  • LA rap had a decent wave in the 2010s. mula wit ye still gets plays from me

  • Jan 5
    1 reply

    I’m starting to think the game might be getting overrated in some circles

    On some over correction s***

    Yeah he does make solid albums and can rap, but the lack of originality and X factor still matter.

    I never feel like I have time to be listening to Game double albums and s*** even though I have nostalgia for him

    Even the Documentary is boring to sit through

    If you think the documentary is hard to sit through then rap may not be for you

  • Jan 5
    1 reply

    The most basic s*** ever, never heard a bar that made me say “oh s***” nigga just be rapping lmao

    Hate it or love it is his best song. Other than that that s*** basic and doesn’t hold up to any of the legends.

  • Jim Halpert

    If you think the documentary is hard to sit through then rap may not be for you

    For me personally it feels dated and The Game isn’t that compelling as a lead artist on there. Doctors Advocate is much better to me. I know people love the album but I don’t think it’s such a masterpiece that “if you don’t like it rap isn’t for you” lol that’s a stretch

    Like a third of the beats/choruses on documentary are mid and the verses is just naming different rappers lol. S*** is overrated it runs long. 50 carried the album with a few hooks

  • Jan 5
    1 reply

    I think Documentary gets a lot of its love and classic status from the Dre and 50 stimulus, the legend of the album is highkey better than the actual music. Game improved as a rapper after that, he’s barely above average on Documentary

    Idk if a rapper has ever been carried more and handed a classic on a silver platter like that. I don’t think it plays that well today tho end to end

  • Jan 5

    I'm not mad at that opinion at all @op because I pretty much agree.

    I've always said that Game's two best albums to me are "Doctor's Advocate" and "The Documentary 2.5"

  • Jan 5
    1 reply

    I think Documentary gets a lot of its love and classic status from the Dre and 50 stimulus, the legend of the album is highkey better than the actual music. Game improved as a rapper after that, he’s barely above average on Documentary

    Idk if a rapper has ever been carried more and handed a classic on a silver platter like that. I don’t think it plays that well today tho end to end

    50 was way more production depending than game

  • I like that he couldn’t even get through a s***skit without a name drop:

  • Dorian

    Hate it or love it is his best song. Other than that that s*** basic and doesn’t hold up to any of the legends.


  • The documentary 2 + 2.5 was a great combo when they came out. Played the s*** out of it at the time

  • both 2 and 2.5 are some of my favourite gym albums.

  • Jim Halpert

    50 was way more production depending than game

    Hugely disagree

    It’s actually 50s hooks and bridges that carry GRODT, the production doesn’t even hold up the best but the songwriting makes it hold up as a whole

    50 also had more personality on the mic

    Game was boring on Documentary fr even his voice was uninspiring

  • Al Supremo

    Game's discography is honestly one of my favorites to listen to. So underrated.

  • Jan 5
    1 reply

    I get why people like 2.5 more cus of how many quality songs there are, but 2 deserves more love too .. That opening run is so crazy and s*** like Circles, title track, Summertime, Mula, 100

    Don't Trip is crazy too

  • Lizardking2

    Don't Trip is crazy too

    Intro/On Me -> Step Up -> Don’t Trip -> Standing on Ferraris is such a crazy opening run going sample to sample, its mad creative

  • 2words

    I think those who know know though. People who care about discographies and stuff, he gets mentioned. Maybe not as much as Ross but almost.

    He’s similar to Ross to me, very good catalogs but not enough wow factor to be a high tier great. And if I was gonna put one on today it would be Ross so I see why Game doesn’t get rated super high. But given how stupid he makes himself look, he still gets some respect and people checking for him

    He’s lowkey accurately rated atp. Do people be listening to all his albums like that? Or is it just a catalog consistency d*** measuring contest? Idk how high consistent 7-8s can get you. The first 2 are the only ones that are classic level and I’d argue they’re low tier classics

    I can def see and respect your pov he’s not in the upper echelon of rappers for me either but there are def people underappreciating him as of late

  • So f***ing good

  • Al Supremo

    Game's discography is honestly one of my favorites to listen to. So underrated.

  • 2words

    I’m starting to think the game might be getting overrated in some circles

    On some over correction s***

    Yeah he does make solid albums and can rap, but the lack of originality and X factor still matter.

    I never feel like I have time to be listening to Game double albums and s*** even though I have nostalgia for him

    Even the Documentary is boring to sit through

    He's a great rapper when he tries imho.

    But Game be adopting more flows and identities than George Santos in his music which makes for an interesting listening experience.

    I listen to Game and I feel he has a consistent catalog with only his last album truly being a bloated dud.

    But Game literally be repping both the Crips and the Bloods even on the same damn album. And he be biting half the features on his projects which makes the songs feel odd without that juxtaposition or contrast between Game's signature sound and the feature.

    I was listening to Too Much the other day. Great song btw. But Game was biting Dre so hard, it almost made me imagine how the real Dre would sound on the track. Ditto for Speakers On Blast with him biting Andre. It made me wonder how the real 3 Stacks would sound.

    Otherwise, though, he's a solid rapper especially when he touches on deep topics that deviate from the gang/street s***. Game lowkey has rapped about police brutality more than Kendrick in the mid 2010's.