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  • Big Tobacco

    Kinda wish I was bi I bet throating a dude with your girl is pretty fire if you’re into that

    6 replies holy moly guacamole

  • Mar 8
    1 reply

    never stated any of that gang, but she’s definitely engaging in a lingo you’d only understand if you were either a woman or around it enough. meanwhile, a young kid who don’t get none of that s*** hearing it might take it in the literal sense as her influence is now great

    she’s not emasculating black boys nor is it her responsibility to make sure she doesn’t make the joke she did. I’m just chatting about the influence of artist on impressionable kids and s*** like this, said in passing as a joke, influences the acceptance of the saying without really understanding what you’re saying. At the end of the day it’s just a joke but it indirectly feeds into the groups who do think that way

    …you got all this from a joke on hot ones

    I just disagree that the oneness is on the artist to catch themselves in the way they talk about men, especially in the current state of the country.

  • Mar 8
    2 replies

    i think “agenda” is the trigger word that keeps us from having a discussion on the influence artists have in our social dynamics and impressionable youth

    Artists getting jokes off =\= kids having access to not only the internet but more information for feelings and emotions they’ve always had but just didnt know the words for it.

    You claim ally but you be letting the conservative dog whistle out in these topics Val

  • Mar 8
    2 replies
    Ron Mexico

    Nah, this one of them Bell Hooks reading women. She just insane

    Have you…listened to doechii music?

    She the furthest thing from bell hooks lol

  • Hows everybody Friday night going mane ill see yall

  • insertcoolnamehere

    Have you…listened to doechii music?

    She the furthest thing from bell hooks lol

    Yeah, I have and that's not what my post says

  • sponge 🧽
    Mar 8
    1 reply

    If youre a straight man and this s*** bothered u bro crine learn to take a joke

    Stop being a little dumb baby

  • 2words

    The rise of Doechii is the clearest sign we’ve got that hip hop is on its last legs

    She’s a fraud

    stay mad weirdo

  • sponge 🧽
    Mar 8
    3 replies

    Straight men getting mad at this: I'm so sorry my wittle vulnerable tinkerbell we will treat u much more softly with silk gloves gtfo

  • Mar 8
    1 reply

    If youre a straight man and this s*** bothered u bro crine learn to take a joke

    Stop being a little dumb baby

    s*** is so unserious

    crazy seeing people so worked up about this

  • Mar 8
    1 reply

    Straight men getting mad at this: I'm so sorry my wittle vulnerable tinkerbell we will treat u much more softly with silk gloves gtfo

    Silk gloves can still leave an owy! >:/

  • sponge 🧽
    Mar 8

    s*** is so unserious

    crazy seeing people so worked up about this

    It's not surprising at all but it's sad to see that a significant part of what people hold onto in their identity is their perceived heterosexuality as if thats some oppressed group in and of itself like dawg

  • Br00ses 🐣
    Mar 8

    Straight men getting mad at this: I'm so sorry my wittle vulnerable tinkerbell we will treat u much more softly with silk gloves gtfo

  • sponge 🧽
    Mar 8

    Silk gloves can still leave an owy! >:/

    I hold space for that

  • Mar 8

    22 pages

  • Mar 8
    3 replies

    CIA always sending new artists on a mission and message to push on their young impressionable fans

  • BrainWorms4U

    For saying she don’t fw straight men as a bi woman

    Promise you this s*** is not as deep as twitter and niggas in here making it

    Bro always reverts to a single smiley face when he can’t continue the discourse

  • TiTi

    CIA always sending new artists on a mission and message to push on their young impressionable fans

    Yeah bro the CI f***ing A created doechii in a lab

  • Not what was said

  • TiTi

    CIA always sending new artists on a mission and message to push on their young impressionable fans


  • Mar 9
    3 replies

    Straight men getting mad at this: I'm so sorry my wittle vulnerable tinkerbell we will treat u much more softly with silk gloves gtfo

    lol the woman that has bi niggas putting a gun to her head can never tell me about myself

  • Mar 9
    2 replies

    Her and Tyler are gonna be the next it couple watch

  • BZTO

    Her and Tyler are gonna be the next it couple watch

    Edgelords unite

  • She gonna be annoying like Sza isn't she

  • Mar 9
    1 reply

    Her and Tyler are gonna be the next it couple watch

    I mean if he is gay and she is gay then they are nouns tbf

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