tony yayo had joints
what niggas gotta do to get in the cord I got fomo smh
Let me see you say “Drake won”
Don’t care. Just care about the music. As long as it’s great.. Not really a fan yet but she’s real talented.
wow, this pushed me over the edge. I’m starting a podcast now
drake won at losing
This quote would’ve went crazy in like 2021 but in 2025 people see it for being corny
the year is irrelevant lol they're just saying it's corny because Doechii said it
This quote would’ve went crazy in like 2021 but in 2025 people see it for being corny
I’m not even offended or anything but there’s tons of women and gays who voted for Trump or are just horrible people in general.
Like what I do
the year is irrelevant lol they're just saying it's corny because Doechii said it
I don’t think that’s the case this time
Let me see you say “Drake won”
Can you DM me a link for jersey? He said the other link expired and I was booted before I could send him one lol
This is like the rappers can’t sing meme for straight men to crash out to
Can you DM me a link for jersey? He said the other link expired and I was booted before I could send him one lol
I mean for the most part, straight men are the worst. So, yeah she’s right.
I would go a step further and say straight white males
I'm the opposite I love straight cock
i think she means DL niggas lol which makes sense cause I wouldn't date a bi woman after being bamboozled
Mr dope is crazy + bottom page @Blade
Can't it be both lol
the reason I don't think it's both is because we'll still be seeing "I hate men" posts from 2025 and beyond and no one will care. people are only calling it out now to make Doechii look bad because they're fans of you know who
the reason I don't think it's both is because we'll still be seeing "I hate men" posts from 2025 and beyond and no one will care. people are only calling it out now to make Doechii look bad because they're fans of you know who’all treating drakes name like Voldemort
the reason I don't think it's both is because we'll still be seeing "I hate men" posts from 2025 and beyond and no one will care. people are only calling it out now to make Doechii look bad because they're fans of you know who"I hate men" and "i hate straight men" are 2 completely different things bro
"Men ain't s***" is the common take
"You gotta be bisexual to talk to me" is far more of a current, progressive pro lgbtq type topic it's not the same ar all lol
That's why I'm saying iy can be both. Drake fans are on her neck for EVERYTHING
AND it's a hot topic in general due to the times we in
Y’all treating drakes name like Voldemort
nah his fans are just the usual suspects when it comes to stuff like this
Sigh, lemme get serious for a second
@Nikedufflebag got a point in mentioning years. 2021 and pre was prime gender war cannon fodder, no matter what side you was on.
Frankly, ppl find it corny now because you dont have to say it to show you prolly arent too fond of men like that just by how you carry yourself. We have reached a point where (fortunately) we’ve started to find gender wars corny on both sides. Future got s***ted on (for once) for that kevin samuels cameo and playing into the “she belongs to the streets” trope and fresh & fit arent taken seriously anymore. Hence why the “manosphere” gotta take such a sharp left towards right wing peddling now.
Think it’s cause after pandemic that ppl started actually interacting with each other ppl remembered “oh s***, we all aint s***.”
It’s corny cause it’s just basic. Tell me you hate nonbinary masc presenting greysexuals.
Now THAT’ll leave the timeline in a confused tizzy
the reason I don't think it's both is because we'll still be seeing "I hate men" posts from 2025 and beyond and no one will care. people are only calling it out now to make Doechii look bad because they're fans of you know who many fanbases really took that goat video and ran with it 😂