  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply
    Soo Diff

    Dead ass bunch of insecure and stupid mfers.

    Was a circle jerk between two posters about how he dont like being seen wearing the same combination of sweats when he goes out like anyone was ever checking for him

  • Nov 22, 2020
    1 reply

    The midnight blue Mack Weldon joggers or the maroon Mack Weldon joggers for today 🤔

  • Nov 22, 2020

    The midnight blue Mack Weldon joggers or the maroon Mack Weldon joggers for today 🤔

    Fire bro 🤝

  • Nov 22, 2020
    MM6 Moka

    You not famous nobody clockin you like that bro

  • Nov 22, 2020

    i wear my clothes as many tiimes as i want

  • Nov 23, 2020
    1 reply

    I can totally relate to this OP

    I try my best not to wear the same outfit/sneaker more than 3-5x a year tbh

    I try this too but it’s so hard in the winter here. Too many days where it’s the same park+Jeans+boots. I need to buy some more warm pants lol

  • Nov 23, 2020
    1 reply

    I try this too but it’s so hard in the winter here. Too many days where it’s the same park+Jeans+boots. I need to buy some more warm pants lol

    Yea I feel you it’s always the hardest to rotate in new stuff when it’s the coldest

    What’s your current go-to parka and boots btw??

  • Nov 23, 2020

    I remember In high school they would split the year into 6 six weeks. So I made it a thing I would have enough tees to not wear the same one during a six weeks, so in theory I would only wear the same shirt 6 times a year. One time I was wearing my bbc nerd tee that they released for their seeing sounds album. And this girl in class told me that shirt must of been my favorite one because I always wore it. I must of wore it three times because it was even Christmas break. As soon as I got home I took it off put up for sale so she would never see it again, and bought a new shirt with that money lol

    yall sad

  • Nov 23, 2020
    2 replies

    Yall way too f***in insecure itt

  • Nov 23, 2020
    1 reply

    Yea I feel you it’s always the hardest to rotate in new stuff when it’s the coldest

    What’s your current go-to parka and boots btw??

    I have a uniqlo down parka from last year and just got the jil sander hybrid down one. It's funny cause I was telling myself this was the year I'd in ivest in a really good buy it for life type parka but because of covid I'm wfh and won't be commuting until next winter, so I'm holding off on that.

    For boots I got these last year and they still look new and in perfect shape basically. I'm def looking to upgrade rn, looking for some Prada deals.

  • Nov 23, 2020
    1 reply

    I have a uniqlo down parka from last year and just got the jil sander hybrid down one. It's funny cause I was telling myself this was the year I'd in ivest in a really good buy it for life type parka but because of covid I'm wfh and won't be commuting until next winter, so I'm holding off on that.

    For boots I got these last year and they still look new and in perfect shape basically. I'm def looking to upgrade rn, looking for some Prada deals.

    Uniqlo always makes great parkas

    But yea I feel you on holding off on copping a big investment one since it's covid season and nobody is traveling

    Those CK boots are dope!! Whew if you cop a Prada pair let me know

  • Nov 23, 2020
    1 reply
    Vincent Adultman

    Yall way too f***in insecure itt

    For me it's not an insecurity thing but I genuinely have a lot of fun wearing different fits on a daily/weekly basis

    Also I feel like it's a sin to wear the same outfit every day and let other clothes/sneakers just collect dust in a closet

    I always make sure to wear every item I own in combination with every other matching item to create new fits and then sell/donate anything that is no longer in my current rotation

  • Nov 23, 2020
    1 reply

    For me it's not an insecurity thing but I genuinely have a lot of fun wearing different fits on a daily/weekly basis

    Also I feel like it's a sin to wear the same outfit every day and let other clothes/sneakers just collect dust in a closet

    I always make sure to wear every item I own in combination with every other matching item to create new fits and then sell/donate anything that is no longer in my current rotation

    How can you people afford to never wear the same outfit at work I have like 5 complete buissness causal outfits and that's it lmfao

  • Nov 23, 2020
    1 reply
    Vincent Adultman

    How can you people afford to never wear the same outfit at work I have like 5 complete buissness causal outfits and that's it lmfao

    I worked my ass off for the past 10 years studying and networking to put myself in a position to be independently successful

    But I still wear the same outfits it's just 3-5 times a year per fit and then I change it subtlety by incorporating in different pieces

    Also copping new fits isn't too expensive as long as you sell old clothes on Grailed to defray the cost of the new pieces

  • Nov 23, 2020
    1 reply

    I worked my ass off for the past 10 years studying and networking to put myself in a position to be independently successful

    But I still wear the same outfits it's just 3-5 times a year per fit and then I change it subtlety by incorporating in different pieces

    Also copping new fits isn't too expensive as long as you sell old clothes on Grailed to defray the cost of the new pieces

    I think my issue is I'm still a poor college student then lmfao

  • Nov 23, 2020
    1 reply

    Uniqlo always makes great parkas

    But yea I feel you on holding off on copping a big investment one since it's covid season and nobody is traveling

    Those CK boots are dope!! Whew if you cop a Prada pair let me know

    someone gonna accept my lowballs on grailed for them eventually

  • Nov 23, 2020
    Vincent Adultman

    I think my issue is I'm still a poor college student then lmfao

    I feel like once I graduated college I saw clothes from a totally different perspective

    In college it was all about wearing the same casual cozy fits to class and then post-college it's all about having fun experimenting with different styles

  • Nov 23, 2020

    someone gonna accept my lowballs on grailed for them eventually

    Truly the best way to get a steal price

  • Nov 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Was a circle jerk between two posters about how he dont like being seen wearing the same combination of sweats when he goes out like anyone was ever checking for him

    Damn fam. Why you gotta bring that negative energy? We're just talking about fits and our preferences.

  • Nov 30, 2020
    1 reply

    I never said once that I'm a "fashion king" I'm simply speaking on the fact that my friend (who is the one who considers himself a fashion king) spends 100x more than anyone I know on clothing but just cops the same hype brand/collab hoodies and Yeezys on a weekly basis and then refuses to wear a jacket/coat in zero degree weather and doesn't take off his Supreme tee while tanning at the beach because he wanted to flex on everyone

    Also I'm not the only one in my friend group who thinks it's weird that he refuses to wear white shirts, white sneakers, pants that aren't jeans/joggers, and anything that is made of corduroy meanwhile he will wear a formal tuxedo on a first date to a cafe for lunch

    He's a KTT member too and read this thread and even said that everything I said was facts but he's just been too lazy recently to style anything

    Nigga wtf

    he will wear a formal tuxedo on a first date to a cafe for lunch

  • Nov 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Damn fam. Why you gotta bring that negative energy? We're just talking about fits and our preferences.

    Niggas wouldn’t be clownin you if you weren’t obsessed with what sweats people saw you in

  • Nov 30, 2020
    MM6 Moka

    Niggas wouldn’t be clownin you if you weren’t obsessed with what sweats people saw you in

    We all have our idiosyncrasies

    Let me cook, fam.

  • Nov 30, 2020
    2 replies

    you speak like you're some end-all know-all fashion king, but i just peeped your ig and you are no better, as a matter of fact, youre even worse than this "friend" that you speak of. your fits look like you copy pasted them from a brand's lookbook, but you couldn't even do that correctly. your clothing fit your tiny body horrendously and you have no sense of personal style. your feed is very flavor of the month and we can all tell you get dressed by instagram. you look like you go on aime leon dore's website and copy whatever they post on some monkey see monkey do bullshit.

    your friend, however, dresses how he likes and is comfortable with how he dresses, despite all of the slander that you been throwing at him throughout this thread. you try and mask your manlet insecurities behind some belief that you having the newest clothing would shield you from any scrutiny, but im sorry to tell you even that doesnt work for you. get off your high horse little man, youre not an influencer, not no celebrity, but just some manlet ktt poster with a lot of mommy and daddy money to spend on new releases weekly

    Thought this was a copypasta but dude made an account just to go off and defend someone he doesn't even know

  • Nov 30, 2020
    BlueChew Sean

    Thought this was a copypasta but dude made an account just to go off and defend someone he doesn't even know

    Anytime someone drop more than like a paragraph or two I don’t read that s***
