  • Dec 31, 2020

    Don't get me wrong, I think he’s talented, but I don’t get why people act like he’s the golden standard for producing right now. Yes he’s influential but that’s because his sound is pretty basic and very easy to emulate.

    A lotta people were saying that WLR suffered because he only had 2 tracks on it, but I think there are way better beats on the album. Place shouldn’t have even been on the album IMO, and, although I like ILoveUIHateU, that high pitched synth is annoying as F*** because it’s way too loud in the mix and it’s like grating on the ears.

    I think songs like Slay3r, Sky, Over, and F33l Lik3 Dyin have some of the beats on the project, and I think overall WLR is very solid production wise.

    Does anyone else feel this way about Pi’erre or am I tripping?

  • Dec 31, 2020

    No way you listened to Die Lit and you asking this.

  • 666 💢
    Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply

    yo op you wanna come in here

  • Dec 31, 2020
    4 replies

    Nah hes properly rated but WLR didnt need him.

    Carti knew what he was doing by not using him the same as he did on die lit. Its about bringing in new people to help move the music forward.

    Its why Kanye stopped producing almost everything himself

  • Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Absolutely not. He’s an amazing producer

  • Dec 31, 2020

    Nah hes properly rated but WLR didnt need him.

    Carti knew what he was doing by not using him the same as he did on die lit. Its about bringing in new people to help move the music forward.

    Its why Kanye stopped producing almost everything himself

  • 666

    yo op you wanna come in here


  • Dec 31, 2020

    Don't get me wrong, I think he’s talented, but I don’t get why people act like he’s the golden standard for producing right now. Yes he’s influential but that’s because his sound is pretty basic and very easy to emulate.

    A lotta people were saying that WLR suffered because he only had 2 tracks on it, but I think there are way better beats on the album. Place shouldn’t have even been on the album IMO, and, although I like ILoveUIHateU, that high pitched synth is annoying as F*** because it’s way too loud in the mix and it’s like grating on the ears.

    I think songs like Slay3r, Sky, Over, and F33l Lik3 Dyin have some of the beats on the project, and I think overall WLR is very solid production wise.

    Does anyone else feel this way about Pi’erre or am I tripping?

    Listen to his production on old Nudy projects (Slimeball, Slimmere, nudlyland) the song Watch wt Kanye & Travis he produced, some of his beats on So Much Fun, stuff he has with Keed... i could go on. Dude is ridiculously versatile

  • Dec 31, 2020

    tlop5 otw jus know

  • Dec 31, 2020

    Overrated by who?

  • Dec 31, 2020

    Pierre doesn’t get as much love as he does on here

    The general public only care about big ass names like Metro

  • Dec 31, 2020
    6 replies

    The reason why wlr is so great and refreshing is because there's barely any pierre. Carti tends to play it too safe on his production. Now we see how experimental he can be with his flows and voice inflections when he isn't on pierre prod.

    In 2017 pierre's sound was rly interesting now I'm over it but that's just me

  • Dec 31, 2020
    yung goyard

    The reason why wlr is so great and refreshing is because there's barely any pierre. Carti tends to play it too safe on his production. Now we see how experimental he can be with his flows and voice inflections when he isn't on pierre prod.

    In 2017 pierre's sound was rly interesting now I'm over it but that's just me


  • Dec 31, 2020
    yung goyard

    The reason why wlr is so great and refreshing is because there's barely any pierre. Carti tends to play it too safe on his production. Now we see how experimental he can be with his flows and voice inflections when he isn't on pierre prod.

    In 2017 pierre's sound was rly interesting now I'm over it but that's just me

    Yeah this is exactly how I feel

  • Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Pierre very 1 dimensional I’m not a big fan

  • Dec 31, 2020
    yung goyard

    The reason why wlr is so great and refreshing is because there's barely any pierre. Carti tends to play it too safe on his production. Now we see how experimental he can be with his flows and voice inflections when he isn't on pierre prod.

    In 2017 pierre's sound was rly interesting now I'm over it but that's just me

  • Dec 31, 2020
    2 replies

    TLOP4 shows how good he is as an artist

  • Dec 31, 2020

    His influence is insane and he still managed to stay relevant and make good s*** despite having so many sons and already established producers biting his style

    I think he’s pretty properly rated. As long as you ignore the handful of stupid people on here who call him top 10-25 of all time, you’ll begin to see that

  • Dec 31, 2020

    Nope. Goat producer

  • been listening to die4guy for an hour

  • Bushmanate

    TLOP4 shows how good he is as an artist

  • Listening to TLOP4 and the deluxe will change your whole perspective

  • Dec 31, 2020

    Nah hes properly rated but WLR didnt need him.

    Carti knew what he was doing by not using him the same as he did on die lit. Its about bringing in new people to help move the music forward.

    Its why Kanye stopped producing almost everything himself

    lock thread

  • Dec 31, 2020

    nope. TLOP 5 otw.

  • v talented guy not even sure if he gets proper attention.