i got drunk a couple nights ago and hooked up with a girl i dont know her name i just remember my condom broke and dont remember if i f***ed her after that and im scared please help me
Go to a clinic.
im in europe from work i will go when i get back to the states but F*** im legit scared i could barely even sleep last night
im in europe from work i will go when i get back to the states but F*** im legit scared i could barely even sleep last night
nigga you better go while you in europe, if you come back to the US you'll get charged just for thinking of going to the clinic
bro im legit scared
Tha Block Is Hot, like the Delgado Clinic, ya' heard me.
Get tested and check on the girl
i just dont want to die man that f*** wasnt even worth it as far as i remember
nigga you better go while you in europe, if you come back to the US you'll get charged just for thinking of going to the clinic
the problem is that i cant get tested here because of covid
i just dont want to die man that f*** wasnt even worth it as far as i remember
You’ll be fighting more of a mental battle than a physical one when it comes to STDs. I had a scare a few months ago and I was overthinking uncontrollably.
Best suggestion is to talk to the girl and ask if she is healthy. More than likely she is.
Get tested. Worst case scenario is herpes, witch isn’t AWFUL, but something you’ll have to live with (everyone will eventually have herpes on day tbh.)
i dont want to die bro
You’re not gonna f***ing die. If she’s having s***with you more than likely she doesn’t have HIV/AIDS... those are the only stds that kill.
you're good bro. the odds you contracted hiv from vaginal s***is less than 1% and everything else is easily treated.
You’ll be fighting more of a mental battle than a physical one when it comes to STDs. I had a scare a few months ago and I was overthinking uncontrollably.
Best suggestion is to talk to the girl and ask if she is healthy. More than likely she is.
Get tested. Worst case scenario is herpes, witch isn’t AWFUL, but something you’ll have to live with (everyone will eventually have herpes on day tbh.)
bro i would but i dont have the girls number because i dont give people my number or socials and also im a f***ing stupid idiot when i get drunk i literally am able to f*** any b**** im just balls scared cause i remember my condom broke and i dont know the b**** i barely even remember what she looked like
bro i would but i dont have the girls number because i dont give people my number or socials and also im a f***ing stupid idiot when i get drunk i literally am able to f*** any b**** im just balls scared cause i remember my condom broke and i dont know the b**** i barely even remember what she looked like
How does your cock feel right now?
How does your cock feel right now?
pretty normal im just scared of hiv/aids 😭
just go get tested bro. it should be free, doesn't take long, and you'll have your results quick. you probably have chlamydia if anything and after a z pack you'll be straight a week later
side note I've met odee bad b****es at the clinic and the best part is she's at the clinic in the first place so you already know she's making questionable life choices and your chances of beating are high off rip