remember when 88glam performed in front of 3 people
No because 88glam isn’t real
I've never seen someone say that lol is it cause he got clean off alcohol by going to rehab?
Nah that's commendable
oh wow an album with danny brown i bet that s*** went triple aluminum
What a stupid f***ing comment
He makes (some) good music but Danny Brown himself is kinda a f***ing loser
this is what i was thinking of
85? I've been to so many shows with less than that
When I saw keef there was like 10 people there on a Monday night lmao
You're 19 so wouldn't expect you to agree
Most artist act the age when they started popping or was in their prime. Trust me you would think most entertainers are corny if you met them irl. But even though Danny did some wild s*** back then I think he matured a lot. Also, I don‘t think getting older should automatically mean you should not have fun like that anymore and ignore your inner child. He makes the music he wants to make, has a podcast and gets his money. I don‘t get how making money from your passion makes you a loser but you can enlighten me Yuzzy