If I see bhristo I'm liking the track before listening
this was u right on the beat? had this on repeat for a while too
Yes sirrrr
That’s real bro I’m glad u enjoyed it
I love Freddie but I listen to that 3peat for the amazing beats, they are the true mvp, a better rapper could have done more but he just...raps and raps while the beats beneath him carry him to legendary status I very much don't appreciate the lot of him
Pierre solo slander itt
Cycles one of my favourites songs ever. That beat is bonkers and damn they glide on there
Such a shame they’re beefing now. A comeback from them would be welcomed by everyone
I’ve always been a production first guy. If the beat trash I’m not suffering through to hear the lyrics. It’s music at the end of the day
He’s one of the most interesting vocalists of modern time
just a worse Uno with AWGE promo behind him for most his career
I’ve always been a production first guy. If the beat trash I’m not suffering through to hear the lyrics. It’s music at the end of the day
It’s very very rare cases when a rap is so good it outweighs bad production
Pierre solo slander itt
ur real jk about insulting you earlier
Sometimes the beat shows how much the rapper adds to it.
I remember kanye west champion loving the beat and then listening to the instrumental like “ s*** sound bare as f*** “ then it hit me lol.
But ye was always good at that. Making beats that dont overpower but add to the rapper is doing (something that’s lost in current era with these new plugg n b/bell beats beating tf out these kids asses)
That’s something I’m trying to get more comfortable with, myself.
When I first started producing I thought if my beats weren’t all operating on like 5 different levels at all times or some crazy s*** like that, I wasn’t doing enough.
Turns out I was doing WAY TOO MUCH, lol
Now I try to strip the beat to just the essential elements and I hope one day I will get comfortable with just one synth and some drums for the really lyric central songs. But until then, I’ve improved, and that’s what’s important
Yes , I check out anything Metro , Honorable C Note , Illangelo , OZ produces ( C Note made 2 of the best beats this year btw - 21 Savage - Red Sky + Future - Show of Hands) - Also there are some very talented producers like Ghosty , Synthetic , Allen Ritter , Nils , Dez Wright , Ripsquad that make some really interesting stuff