  • May 30, 2024

    This is by no means a low-key brag post, but I'd love to get your thoughts on this.

    I consider myself stylish and a pretty cool person. However, when I'm around my friends, sometimes I feel like they're trying to show me that they're "cool" too. Its weird.

    I'll feel self conscious about wearing jewelry around them because I don't want to outshine them. Or even my whole wardrobe in general. I feel like it can be intimidating at times.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

    Once again - Not trying to brag, but just seeing if anyone else has experienced being "too cool" around your friends.

  • May 30, 2024
    3 replies

    Uncomfortable being yourself ?

  • May 30, 2024

    This is by no means a low-key brag post, but I'd love to get your thoughts on this.

    I consider myself stylish and a pretty cool person. However, when I'm around my friends, sometimes I feel like they're trying to show me that they're "cool" too. Its weird.

    I'll feel self conscious about wearing jewelry around them because I don't want to outshine them. Or even my whole wardrobe in general. I feel like it can be intimidating at times.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

    Once again - Not trying to brag, but just seeing if anyone else has experienced being "too cool" around your friends.

    lol same

    And no don’t think too much about it

  • May 30, 2024
    1 reply

    Uncomfortable being yourself ?

    Sadly yes.

    I feel like just my natural being is very outgoing/social/confident/stylish, and this can be intimidating at times. Especially the stylish part.

  • May 30, 2024
    2 replies

    Are you uncomfortable because you feel like your friends are competing with you, or you feel like they're below you?

  • May 30, 2024
    7 replies

    Nah ppl just try to humble u

    I consider myself very cool, but on a daily basis I talk with homeless folks, people considered as "weird" whatever

    If ur cool, u fit everywhere
    That's what makes u cool
    The way u carry yourself in your own norms
    But those norms being fluid enough for u to be accessible everywhere

    Ur not too cool for anything really
    That's arrogance

    It's the ppl around u, that will make u feel uncomfortable for being you, a cool person
    Cause they're insecure and not cool with themselves

  • May 30, 2024
    2 replies

    When u go out with your friends and end up being the guy who’s "overdressing"

  • May 30, 2024
    6 replies

    I definitely dumb down my style depending on who I’m with

  • I once adapted too and it took me nowhere

    Now I accepted myself
    And became an inspiration to many

    Everyone like " u cool af, u smart and look like a Prada model, ur like some spiritual God"

    Am like; am just myself

  • May 30, 2024
    1 reply

    Nah ppl just try to humble u

    I consider myself very cool, but on a daily basis I talk with homeless folks, people considered as "weird" whatever

    If ur cool, u fit everywhere
    That's what makes u cool
    The way u carry yourself in your own norms
    But those norms being fluid enough for u to be accessible everywhere

    Ur not too cool for anything really
    That's arrogance

    It's the ppl around u, that will make u feel uncomfortable for being you, a cool person
    Cause they're insecure and not cool with themselves

  • xxxkiraxxx

    appreciate it dawg

  • May 30, 2024

    I know what you mean but usually I’ll want them to dress better, I’ve been on the other side too and it makes me want to dress better

  • May 30, 2024
    4 replies

    This is not a real thread

  • LordPrettyFlackoJR

    Nah ppl just try to humble u

    I consider myself very cool, but on a daily basis I talk with homeless folks, people considered as "weird" whatever

    If ur cool, u fit everywhere
    That's what makes u cool
    The way u carry yourself in your own norms
    But those norms being fluid enough for u to be accessible everywhere

    Ur not too cool for anything really
    That's arrogance

    It's the ppl around u, that will make u feel uncomfortable for being you, a cool person
    Cause they're insecure and not cool with themselves


  • May 30, 2024
    1 reply

    Nah ppl just try to humble u

    I consider myself very cool, but on a daily basis I talk with homeless folks, people considered as "weird" whatever

    If ur cool, u fit everywhere
    That's what makes u cool
    The way u carry yourself in your own norms
    But those norms being fluid enough for u to be accessible everywhere

    Ur not too cool for anything really
    That's arrogance

    It's the ppl around u, that will make u feel uncomfortable for being you, a cool person
    Cause they're insecure and not cool with themselves

    The true cool guy has spoken

  • May 30, 2024
    el conquistador

    This is not a real thread

  • May 30, 2024
    1 reply

    itt fellas live life in they head

  • Ngl feel like this type of attitude can be transparent even if you don’t think it is and they may be thinking you acting better than them which obviously is not ideal for a friendship. Comes off as very main character syndrome-ish

  • May 30, 2024
    1 reply

    Are you uncomfortable because you feel like your friends are competing with you, or you feel like they're below you?

    I feel like I unintentionally put pressure on them to compete with me

  • May 30, 2024
    3 replies

    What motivates anyone to actively have these thoughts around anyone, especially their friends?

    Do you even care about others? Or do you just go places to show off how “cool” you are? Do you listen to your friends or just sit there thinking if your posture is appropriate to show off your van cleef and ensure your balenciaga shirt is draping just perfectly.

    And when your friends inevitably notice how f***ing odd you are acting and call you, then you think “wow, I guess I am too cool for them…it is making them mad uncomfortable”

  • May 30, 2024
    1 reply

    I feel like I unintentionally put pressure on them to compete with me

    I feel this way but because i make mre money than my friend group combined . I treat myself well when i got the apple vr they were all saying they were jelous i felt bad. I feel lik thy feel like they hve to compete but i dnt want it to be like that

  • CutiePieHole

    I feel this way but because i make mre money than my friend group combined . I treat myself well when i got the apple vr they were all saying they were jelous i felt bad. I feel lik thy feel like they hve to compete but i dnt want it to be like that

    Oh so you too p**** to show up to the bar with it on and disguising it as trying not to belittle your “friends”

  • May 30, 2024
    1 reply

    You really think you’re outshining your friends by wearing a necklace and some rings (like every TikTok f***boy is these days) ??

  • May 30, 2024

    You really think you’re outshining your friends by wearing a necklace and some rings (like every TikTok f***boy is these days) ??

    It's not even that. You sound mad.

  • May 30, 2024
    4 replies
    el conquistador

    What motivates anyone to actively have these thoughts around anyone, especially their friends?

    Do you even care about others? Or do you just go places to show off how “cool” you are? Do you listen to your friends or just sit there thinking if your posture is appropriate to show off your van cleef and ensure your balenciaga shirt is draping just perfectly.

    And when your friends inevitably notice how f***ing odd you are acting and call you, then you think “wow, I guess I am too cool for them…it is making them mad uncomfortable”

    Lol are you upset? It seems like this has triggered you.

    It's just a feeling I get when I'm hanging out with some of my friends. Like I'm putting pressure on them; which is totally unintentional.
