remember back pre purpose where you had all the forced bugatti biebz stuff
And then skrillex and diplo gave him a whole sound to run with it and it kinda kept going (but music was kinda good this era so whatever)
And then he goes out on his own again and makes awful tiktok bait music and begs fans to stream it non stop
Feel like meme should be dead by now
Always sucked
these last songs he put out are terrible
heard some months ago a snippet from a track with boi1da that one sounded good though
Changes was solid
Imma be real i didn't listen to it cos i don't wanna listen to a Justin bieber album but the singles sucked mostly and it got panned roundly so I doubt it
Journals and Purpose were good albums.
This last album had 3 good songs maybe. And his current musical direction is pedestrian. He needs some writers imo.
Journals is amazing that was never ironic
purpose forever goated
he just ran out of ideas...
let's be fair bro, Justin Bieber is never gonna be able to concoct an interesting sound or image left to his own devices. He's a basic rich white kid who got propelled to stardom at a young age and has zero taste or experience outside of that. His one legit good run of stuff was totally led by skrillex and diplo who gave him a sound and more mature image to run with